Isaiah 66:2(TLB)
My hand has made both earth and skies, and they are mine. Yet I will look with pity on the man who has a humble and a contrite heart, who trembles at my word.
Today’s Scripture teaches us that God is more interested in the one who is humble, with a contrite heart and trembles at His Word. A contrite heart is one in which the natural pride and self-sufficiency has been completely humbled by the consciousness of guilt. It offers no excuses and shifts no blame. It fully agrees with God about how evil it is to commit sin. A contrite heart throws itself upon the mercy of God, knowing that it deserves nothing but righteous wrath. It takes a man with the Holy Spirit to have a “contrite heart”. God called David a man after His own heart because he was quick to repent of his sins. In Psalm 51:10 David said, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
We serve a God who is Perfect and Just. This is why, to access His profit you must accept His perfection. The truth is, God only shows Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are perfect towards Him. Your heart towards God determines your part with God. Your attitude towards God determines His action towards you. Many believers keep wondering why some people get speedy attention from God while others struggle without anything to show for their efforts. We seem to look to ourselves for answers, rather than sending our petitions to God through the prayer of faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. Today, immoral practices, false religion, corruption, cultism, witchcraft and other anti-Christ activities which the Word of God is highly against are prevalent in our society. Sinners are now comfortable in the House of God, for one reason many people don’t tremble at God’s Word anymore. However, as a believer know this ,God is watching how you react to His Word to release His Blessings to you. That change of heart starts with repentance.
Beloved, make up your mind to be humble in life. God resists the proud but lifts the humble. Matthew 5:5 says “God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.” It is the Will of God for the world to experience His massive move, only be humble. God fights for the humble(you can ask Moses). God wants you to have a humble spirit that is willing to change, as well as to have a reverence and love of His Word, which reveals the essence of truth (John 17:17). Study the Word of God daily and do what it says.
O Lord, help me to have a heart for You and always tremble at Your Word in Jesus’ Name.