According To God’s Will

1 John 5:14–15 (KJV)

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.

God created us to walk in His Blueprint for our lives. So, we must reject anything less than God’s Will for us with all force. Living within the Divine Will means understanding God’s plan for us in every area. The Will of God is always important and higher than any other will, including the Will of man. The above Scripture teaches that God hears and answers when we ask according to His Will. One of the most remarkable aspects of having the Holy Spirit’s assistance in our prayers is that the Spirit always seeks God’s Will. This means that the Spirit of God employs the Word of God to aid God’s people in praying more and more by the Will of God. Confidence in prayer is founded on the assurance that we have eternal life. If we do not have eternal life, there is no way that we can pray according to the Will of God except to pray that God would save us from our sins. Believing in the power of prayer and trusting in the promise of its results is an act of obedience to God. God’s children must recognize that prayer is not a choice but a necessity. 

Without prayer, we cannot live a life of faith in God; instead, we rely on our own abilities, mimicking the world’s ways. And if we are lovers of ourselves, it will be difficult for us to please God and do His Will. We can be genuinely confident when we put our trust in Christ, knowing that our strength and abilities come from Him, who gives us access to the Throne of God. Through our faith in Him, we can stand before God without fear, knowing that we are righteous in His sight. This gives us the confidence to ask for whatever we need, trusting that our requests will be granted. James 4:3 says, “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” We serve a God who hears everything, even the unspoken secrets of our hearts. Therefore, to receive what we desire, it is crucial that we ask in the right way. Simply asking is not enough; we must ask properly. Asking correctly not only entitles us to receive but also ensures that our requests are fulfilled. Biblical prayer is not about trying to manipulate God into giving us what we want. Instead, it is about submitting our will to His Will. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:10, we should pray for God’s Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It would be foolish to pray for our own will to be done instead of God’s Will, as it would imply that we know better than Him what’s best for our lives. However, God knows everything and loves us more than any earthly father could. Therefore, it only makes sense to submit to His Will and pray for His guidance.

Beloved, if you ask anything according to God’s Will, He will hear and grant your requests. God’s Will for your life is supreme, and it is His Will to serve Him alone. He rules and reigns both in Heaven and on Earth. As long as you continue in His Word, no devil can take away His Will on Earth from you. Your Will is at its best when you are in submission and agreement with God’s Will. Live according to God’s Will, and there’ll be no strivings. Today, open your heart to the Will of God, which is His Word. Stand firm in faith and see His Will in your life just as in Heaven! Be prayerful and pray His Word back to Him by praying Bible-based prayers. Persevere in prayer even when you do not understand God’s Will or Ways. Continue to serve Him faithfully and ask Him for the needed grace to run the race. Obey His commandments, and your life will never remain the same. Remember, only those who follow God’s Will diligently on Earth and pray His Will will receive answers to their prayer.

O Lord, teach and grant me the grace to do Your Will and to pray according to Your Will in my life in Jesus’ Name.
