The Asses Are Found

1 Samuel 9:20 (KJV) 

And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father’s house?

After an exhaustive search for his father’s missing donkeys, Saul and his servant had wanted to return home empty-handed. But his servant was not ready to give up yet and urged Saul to seek the advice of the seer, Samuel. Although hesitant initially, Saul agreed to offer a quarter of a shekel of silver to seek Samuel’s counsel. They soon learned that Samuel was in town, thanks to some young women they encountered on their way. Upon Saul meeting Samuel, he was pleased to learn that his lost donkeys had been found. This firmly establishes that everything is genuinely retrievable as long as we seek the help of God. It’s a universal truth that anything that seems lost still exists in one form or another, waiting to be discovered. 1 Peter 5:10 says, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

Restoration is the power of God that returns something or someone to a state that had previously existed through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. It is an act of bringing back something that existed before or was stolen or taken away. By nature, we serve a God of restoration. God promises to completely restore the years lost to fruitlessness, wasted efforts, captivity, famine, poverty, and what the enemy stole from us. It is God’s constant work; He brings life to all nature. Restoration is said to be complete when a dreadful situation changes to a perfect condition, like healing a wound without leaving a scar. Everything can be returned to a former position when God is involved, regardless of years. Whatever God is involved in, such a thing is as good as settled. What belonged to us, or what is due to us, all arrive at once when years are restored. 

Beloved, God is still in the business of restoring individuals, families, careers, and businesses. Your time is now! You might have lost something dear to you, but don’t be discouraged because God will restore what the enemy took from you. Do not worry about what was lost yesterday because God has started the process of restoration in your life by rendering your enemies toothless. When you look at your situation and see hopelessness, fear, and captivity, be assured that God is the God of Restoration. Rely on God to restore anything missing from your life and destiny. He is eager to make you smile again. He will turn your sadness into joy and your shame into fame. This month, God will restore your household, family, health, and finances. He will repair your name, integrity, and the years that the locust has eaten and make new opportunities for you. The best is yet to come! You will soon forget the years of heartache in the abundance of His favor because He is the only true Restorer. Today, turn toward God, away from your past choices, and He promises to remove your shame and restore you to abundant life in Him. As you pursue God, He will bring you restoration. Look up and never look down in life. Remember, to enjoy total restoration, confess your sins to the Lord, ask Him for forgiveness, and exercise faith in Christ’s substitutionary atonement.

O LORD, I am so grateful for the promise of restoration. Restore to me the years that the enemy has eaten out of my life in Jesus’ Name.
