2 Corinthians 6:10(KJV)
As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
From our anchored Scripture, Apostle Paul discovered that despite his sorrow, he had an intense and lasting joy. Notwithstanding his poverty, he had riches without measure, and irrespective of his scarcity and lack, he overflowed with immeasurable abundance from the wealth of God’s bountiful supply. Apostle Paul chose to rejoice in his suffering and counted it all joy when he met trials of any kind, knowing that when he was weak, he was strong, to the glory of the Father. Even though he suffered persecution, he was always joyful. He never allowed the circumstances of his life to take control over him. Although his situation was less than ideal, he chose to look beyond it to see the bigger picture. Times of unhappiness, grief, hardship and lack can weigh heavily on a weary soul, exercising the sympathy, condolences, pity, or indifference of others. But Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” We are to rejoice in the Lord all the time.
Joy is a critical, crucial asset of irreplaceable value in the lives of the children of God. Joy is deep-rooted gladness, unstoppable, and not affected by changes in circumstances and situations. It is by choice and not something we stumble upon by accident. We have the choice to be joyful. It is, therefore, our choice and an act of disobedience when we allow sadness to occupy our hearts. Rejoicing means that the Holy Spirit lives in us, for joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. So, be excited not because there is a reason but because it is the right thing. In Christianity, there are challenges, but the Bible says in James 1:2, “Count it all joy when you go through diverse tests.” In other words, we are to rejoice! 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, “Rejoice evermore.” As believers, we are to rejoice always, irrespective of the time of day, conditions, or life situations. But there are some times when it is not so easy to rejoice. Maybe it feels like our ship is going down or feels like crying out in desperation. Never do it! Instead, be of good cheer! We may not be able to choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitude and focus. We can choose, like Paul, to rejoice in the Lord! Because our joy determines our strength, and our strength determines our victory. The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are the enemies of today’s happiness. Therefore, make the best of today and rejoice.
Beloved, do not give up but rejoice in whatever situation the devil may throw at you. Whatever challenges you are experiencing today, God wants you to rejoice amid the pandemic and dwindling economy. Rejoice always for Greater is He that is in you than the one in the world. Fight for your joy as you fight for your life or salvation. That is, do all within your power to defend your happiness. Nobody can encourage you like you. Never hang around where you are tolerated or disliked. The people who hang around determine your celebration because your company with the depressed can never produce the atmosphere of celebration. Every enemy of your joy shall scatter in Jesus’ Name. Amid your greatest battles or when everything around you falls apart, God’s faithfulness remains sure. So, stay calm, keep your peace and praise Him for what He has promised concerning your life. No matter how bad things are, there is always something to be thankful for in your life. There is no troublesome situation that praise cannot turn around. Instead of crying out in desperation, take a faith stand. Sing, rejoice, and praise God for your deliverance. Be of good cheer, and you can be sure God will bring you through the storm just fine! Make up your mind to laugh when the devil wants you to cry, to rejoice when he wants you to be sorrowful. The Almighty God is at work. Think about the blessings God has given you; the strength, supply of needs, grace, mercy, peace, good health on and on. Think about those things, and do as Paul did: rejoice, rejoice, rejoice! Rejoice always because this may be the only weapon against your predicament. Remember weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
O LORD, I receive grace to cut off every hold of sorrow in my life. Help me to rejoice in You always, in Jesus’ Name.