Avoid Divisive Influences

Romans 16:17(KJV)

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

The passage above encourages us to take note of and steer clear of individuals who create divisions and conflicts that go against the teachings of Christ. Paul emphasized the destructive nature of their influence, which can nullify all virtues and positive traits in others. These individuals do not serve the Lord Jesus Christ but prioritize their desires. They use persuasive language to deceive the unsuspecting. The Bible cautions believers about the presence of false teachers and prophets who intentionally cause division. These individuals claim to have received God’s exclusive, divinely inspired revelations, presenting their erroneous teachings as superior and innovative ways of connecting with Him in the modern age. Philippians 3:2 says, “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.” It is imperative to actively steer clear of individuals engaging in divisive and harmful activities while also avoiding any behavior that may appear negative within the Christian community. Furthermore, it is crucial to promptly identify and distance ourselves from individuals who engage in gossip, disobedience, rebellion, or propagate false beliefs among the brethren.

The act of promoting division, also known as divisiveness, is a significant issue contrary to the positive characteristics associated with spiritual growth. In religious contexts, specific individuals often spread teachings that deviate from the fundamental principles of the Gospel of Christ. Those who deliberately create division, encourage discord, or provoke bitterness are acting in direct opposition to the intended structure of the church as designed by God. It is advisable to avoid such individuals who engage in deceptive behavior. 1 Corinthians 1:10 says, “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” As custodians of the Gospel, we must guard against false teachings that may distort the beliefs of our followers. We are advised to abstain from associating with individuals who promote erroneous doctrines and to distance those under our supervision from such influences. The apostle Paul warned against associating with individuals who sow division within the Church, emphasizing the detrimental impact of internal discord. In Mark 3:25, Jesus also highlighted the inherent weakness of a house divided against itself. The adversary actively seeks to exploit divisions within the church, whether among individual members or different denominations. It is disheartening to witness members of the church inadvertently furthering these divisive efforts. Paul’s characterization of the Corinthian church as immature due to their internal conflicts, documented in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3, underscores the seriousness of this issue.

Beloved, don’t be deceived, for no matter how wise or careful you are, continued association with anyone living contrary to the Word of God will undoubtedly lead to negative consequences. Keep your eyes on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching you have learned. These individuals may profess Christianity but are not truly believers. They create factions, emphasizing specific doctrines or practices to exclude everything else. Come out from among them, separate yourself, and avoid anyone who enjoys causing division that can corrupt your godly nature. Admonish a person who causes divisions once, admonish them a second time after that, and have no further association with them. Mark and avoid those who live contrary to the truth of the Gospel, the truth that you’ve been taught. Stop the spread of strife within the body of Christ. In serving God, you must do everything decently and in order. Today, learn how to do what is right and what is just in accordance with godliness. Once again, beware of deceivers and avoid them! Live in unity, for forbearance of sin and false teaching does not promote unity. Be discerning, avoid divisive influences, and focus on unity and obedience to Christ’s teachings. Remember, unity is strength, so you must strive to maintain it.

O Lord, grant me grace to live by Your principles and help me with wisdom to avoid those who cause divisions in Jesus’ Name.
