Life Of Service

Matthew 23:11 (KJV)

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Jesus speaking to the multitudes and His disciples, said anyone who wants to be first must be the very last and the servant of all. The Kingdom of God does not define greatness by wealth, power, position, or social standing. Instead, our unwavering commitment to serving others in the Kingdom determines greatness. There’s a place of honor for those who voluntarily set themselves aside to meet others’ needs. To further emphasize the role and importance of service in Christianity, Jesus told His disciples in John 13:13-15, “Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” Jesus taught leadership based on fellowship, service, humility, obedience, and loyalty. Ministry is service and stewardship; it is the call of God in our lives. We are serving as messengers, carrying out God’s orders, of which His significant order is to reconcile man back to Him. And this requires our hearts and undying devotion to Him. We serve Him best by serving others. The lower we bend, the closer we are to Him.

Christianity is filled with profound mysteries. For instance, the principle that the first must be the last and the servant of all illustrates a radical truth. Living fully means embracing the path of dying to self, and true fulfillment comes through giving rather than receiving. The consistent message throughout the Word of God firmly rejects self-seeking, self-promotion, self-exaltation, unnecessary ambition, and pride in life. Philippians 2:7-8 says, “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” When Jesus came to earth as a servant, He demonstrated that the Hand of God is accessible to every individual. Yet, in both life and ministry, many seek to assert their authority despite not being in management or leadership positions. They desire to call the shots, effectively running a parallel government alongside their superiors. Such individuals often become embroiled in divisive and rebellious schemes plaguing both the Church and society. They operate through charismatic manipulation, employing sophisticated mind control tactics. Their ambition is to be recognized and honored above all else, insisting that their suggestions take precedence. As children of God, it is unholy to struggle and manipulate our way toward superiority over others. By serving others in obedience to God, we acknowledge the truth through our actions and words. It is one of the most potent ways we express our love toward God. Service goes beyond improving the world; it reflects God’s great love. The more we let go of our desires for worldly greatness and embrace a life of servanthood, the more we truly experience Christ—this is where His Presence is found.

Beloved, greatness in the Kingdom is about giving yourself to others. Thinking you are better than anyone else is only fooling yourself. As per the teachings of Scripture, those who display humility will eventually receive divine intervention and inherit the earth. Bribing your way to success, cutting corners to reach the top, and defying all Christian ethics run contrary to the Word of God. Let your name never be mentioned anywhere that you cheated to success. Never in a second take ungodly steps to attain the desired position, thereby losing the Presence and favor of God. Do not let the shallowness of this world impede or mislead you from responding to Jesus’ call. Do not be trapped in the web of comparison, dissatisfaction, strife, job, or titles. Discover who you are in Christ and accept your primary responsibility in the Kingdom. Learn to be submissive in service and followership. Above all, do it wholeheartedly, not as a master but as a servant of God. Remember, a faithful servant will always abound with blessings, but he who looks for popularity and human respect will only have that as a reward. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

O LORD, grant me the grace to continually live a life of service to You as a good follower in Jesus’ Name.
