Be Truthfully!

Proverbs 12:17(NLT)
An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies.
In today’s world, honesty and integrity are difficult to find, many rather rationalizes dishonesty and it is considered as something necessary to get by in this world. But the Bible teaches that purity of conduct includes truthfulness and that we should be truthful in our representation of ourselves. Truth, according to the Scriptures, establishes and entrenches righteousness while lying will bring the displeasures and judgment of God. The truth will always stand the test of time but lies will soon be exposed. Dishonest people begin to believe the lies they build around themselves and they start to lose the ability to tell the difference between truth and lies, eventually alienate themselves from God. God wants His children to have a character which upholds the highest standards of honesty.
By avoiding lies, half-truths, and omissions of the truth, you will become known as a trustworthy person. When you are ridiculed for being honest, remember that this can be a sign that you indeed doing what is right in God’s eyes. Ephesians 4:25 says “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are members of one another.” Many people tell lies just to please or impress someone by making themselves look good, others do it just to hurt others, but it is better to suffer from man’s displeasure than from God’s wrath. I have a warning for those who entertain the friendship of a liar…expect to fall victim to their lack of integrity! Lies, fraud and deceit is in their spiritual DNA and you are no better if you underestimate their sin!
God is the essence of truth, and He expects this nature of His to reflect in the character of His children. He condemns falsehood in all forms, but takes pleasure in truth and honesty, which He regards as the hallmark of an upright person. He who speaks the truth is declared righteous. Truth falls in line as an attribute of God. Numbers 23:19 says “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent. He can’t do anything but support that which is just because that is who He is. Psalm 89:14 also says “Righteousness and justice are the habitation of your throne: mercy and truth shall go before your face,” In essence, he who chooses to stand for the truth chooses to stand for everything God believes in and Who He is. You become a supporter of His cause.
Beloved, truthfulness pays both now and in eternity. Think of your life today, whether in actual speech or in the action of your daily life, as a Christian, people should know where you stand. No matter what the world may be doing, you and I must keep doing what is right. There is an absolute Truth! He is God! Everything that is right begins and ends with Him so, when you stand for the truth, you stand for Him and I can’t think of a better place to be. Believers must believe, tell and live out the truth. Don’t join anyone to bear falsehood against your neighbor. Leave any friendship that is built on lies. Finally, when you feel most tempted to indulge in self-destructive behavior, open the Bible, find inspirational verses on honesty and pray.
O LORD, help me to always stand up for the truth in Jesus’ Name.