Psalm 27:13(KJV)
I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
When David wrote Psalm 27, he was going through a tough time; he experienced one trial after another. David lived a life where his enemies were constantly on his trail. These things were trying to make him lose heart, but he decided that he would not go down but believe in the goodness of God. Things weren’t going his way; however, David was not worried or upset, for he was confident that he would see God’s Goodness. David had a choice to either believe the giants in his life that he was facing or to trust God and take Him at His Word. David chose to believe in God’s Goodness because God is always Good. He is never the One withholding anything from us but committed to supplying limitless resources to His covenant people, even in critical times. Just like David when we believe we can access God’s Goodness. In other words, there is a connection between faith and God’s Goodness. So, when faith meets with the word of God, something happens.
On our journey as Christians, our faith in God will be a soothing ointment that will ease our failing spirit. We all can look back over our lives and see the things we have gone through and how God strengthened us and brought us through them all. 1 Peter 1:7 says, “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” Our faith will be tested, but we must trust in God and how He chooses to answer us and the timing to do so. The strength of hope is to have faith in the reality of the promises of God, promises that we cannot yet see. The eye of faith is to see beyond the visible and to discern the invisible. We do not see results before we believe, but we believe to see the expected results. As children of God, what we focus on is what we will see. What we focus on in trials will determine its effect on us. If we focus on our loss, we will lose strength, but if we focus on God, we will gain strength and hope. No matter what the enemy is doing, what the medical report says, what our finances look like, or how bad that relationship may seem, be confident that we will see God’s Goodness! He is the All-powerful, Omniscient Creator of the universe, and He holds you in the palm of His Hand. In Isaiah 53:1, the Prophet Isaiah draws our attention to this question, “Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” In other words, God is looking for anyone who can dare to believe His Report. The issue is not about the magnitude of our needs. It is about the report we choose to believe.
Beloved, believe God’s Word concerning your life and act in line with His Word, and you will access the goodness of God. Believe in the Word of God and refuse to allow your circumstance to dictate to you. Never give in to your feelings, the pressure, or whatever is happening around you to determine your life. Let your heart not be fearful of what is going on in your life, because you are not of this world that you should despair, for your faith is in the same God in Whom David trusted and never lost any battle. You belong to God, and God cannot fail. Nothing is too hard for Him. If God cannot fail, you cannot break down either. Through it all, put your faith and trust in God, for He alone is the One who can shelter you in your time of trouble in His secret place. Be determined that even if a host encamped against you, your heart would not fear. Today, grow your faith to believe that anything is possible and everything will become possible. Hold fast to the joy set before you and watch and wait for God’s Goodness. Let the peace of God settle in your heart and mind as you move forward in His blessing all the days of your life! Take hold of this truth by faith and focus on His Goodness, learning to praise Him always. Remember, living in faith is to exist in His Goodness.
O Lord, I receive Your Goodness in the land of the living as I have faith in You in Jesus’ Name!