Better Is The End

Ecclesiastes 7:8 (KJV) 

Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. 

The Bible consistently emphasizes that the last phase of a project or task often turns out to be the most successful one in the eyes of God. This is a cautionary reminder to avoid seeking instant gratification and instead devote adequate time and effort to any endeavor, exercising patience and persistence to produce a resilient rather than a hasty outcome. Since the Lord takes a keen interest in the process, the end result is always superior for His people. By leading a life of faith, relying on Christ in our daily routine, nurturing our connection with Him, and reflecting on His teachings, the final outcome will serve as a testament to our way of life. The end, which is the culmination and justification of the beginning, must always surpass the beginning, just as the fruit is superior to the spring blossoms.

Our ultimate outcome holds greater significance than our initial beginnings, prioritizing the culmination of our efforts over their inception. Our beginnings do not dictate our end result; instead, our current choices and actions determine our future. Achieving greatness requires sacrifice and deliberate steps. The Bible reflects the truth that some individuals started strong but faltered, the chief among whom was Judas Iscariot – one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. In contrast, others initially struggled but ultimately triumphed. Ultimately, the end result validates our efforts, and persevering through obstacles is essential to reaching our desired outcome. We remain steadfast in pursuing our goals, keeping our desired end in sight. Job 8:7 says, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” The beginning might be small, but the end brings the increase. Usually, in the days of small things, critics are numerous and will unleash remorseless condemnation without reservation. However, like David, let’s encourage ourselves in the Lord and not give up. Every great building started from the foundation, and every business empire today started small. It’s better to start small and end great than to start big and never grow from there or even crash.

Beloved, draw near to God and remain steadfast in your efforts so that your future will be even brighter than your present. The choices you make today will ultimately determine the outcome of your journey. Trust in divine guidance and have patience along the way, for God may reveal a path that leads to a better destination. Keep your eyes on the end always. Don’t allow anything to distract you from it. You may have experienced missteps or made compromises that you regret. However, don’t believe that your fate is sealed. You have the ability to change. If you’ve made a mistake or more specifically, sinned, know you can seek forgiveness through repentance. You might have started on a shaky note, but I want to assure you that you will be well-established. Your faith may be fragile now, but it will ultimately become great faith. Never judge your future by the limitations of your present! God will help you overcome those obstacles and limitations and safely take you to your glorious end. No matter how small your beginning is, your latter end will increase tremendously in the Name of Jesus. Take stock of how well you did in all aspects of your life this year, and thank God for bringing you thus far. Remember, do not despise the days of small beginnings; be holy, diligent, prayerful, and focused, and the Lord will crown all your efforts with resounding success and make your latter end increase beyond measure, according to His Word.

O LORD, let my latter days be more significant than my beginning in Jesus’ Name.
