Change Your Mindset

Numbers 13:33(KJV)

And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

In Numbers 13, Moses instructs the 12 tribes of Israel to designate a single individual to act as a reconnaissance agent in the land. Despite God’s promise to Moses and the people that He had bestowed upon them the Promised Land, abundant with resources, the existence of giants therein was not disclosed. God intended for them to focus on the land’s richness rather than the Anakim, the formidable beings they had never before encountered. The initial report provided by the spies was unanimous. All 12 acknowledged the land’s abundance. However, ten spies perceived themselves as insignificant compared to the giants. At the same time, only two had faith in God’s assurances and chose not to acknowledge the presence of the giants. The ten spies only saw challenges and hindrances. They questioned the Lord’s promises about the Promised Land, causing the people’s spirits to falter upon hearing the report. Their morale plummeted, they felt intimidated, and they began to grumble, resulting in Israel wandering in the wilderness for forty years. And the Lord said this about them in Numbers 14:22-23, “Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice; Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it:” In other words, their grasshopper thinking, doubt and murmuring prevented them from entering the Promised Land.

The concept of inferiority complex, also known as grasshopper thinking, is a mindset that imposes a sense of mediocrity on individuals. It involves feeling less important, valuable, or worthy compared to others, leading to a diminished sense of status, appearance, rank, or capability. This mindset causes individuals to perceive themselves as inferior, disregarding the potential impact of their abilities and the power of faith. Grasshopper thinking is rooted in a tendency to focus on apparent challenges and dismiss them as insurmountable. Ultimately, this mindset places significant limitations on one’s life and potential, leading individuals to believe that success is unattainable. Despite its seemingly simplistic nature, grasshopper thinking carries profound spiritual implications. It has prevented many people from becoming everything God intended them to enjoy through the ages. This way of thinking is active opposition to faith and is responsible for many seemingly unanswered prayers and unfulfilled promises among believers. It is a spirit that is cancer to the body of Christ, quenches the Holy Spirit from working, displeases God, and hinders all progress and advancement. It keeps believers from ever attempting any great act for God; it prevents many from bringing the Kingdom of God to others. In this life, many will face danger and disappointment in vastly different ways. However, some will find a way to move forward into the future with confidence and determination, while others will wander in the desert for the rest of their lives.

Beloved, see yourself the way God sees you because how you see yourself determines how the enemy sees and handles you. When you believe in what God has said about you, no matter the storm, it will surely come to pass. Change your mindset to believe what God says about you from His Word because whatever fills your heart will be manufactured for you. Change your mind, and everything else will change when your mind is changed. Think as God thinks because God thinking is faith thinking, and faith thinking believes God is, God can and will, for with Him all things are possible, and He is able. In your life, have no doubt. Your doubt will not diminish God but will only rob you of His plan, purpose, provisions, and miracles for your life. Never see yourself as a mere grasshopper because God has made you a giant killer. Don’t be intimidated or scared about what is before you, but have an audacious mentality. Remember, without giant obstacles and problems, you will never experience the greatness of God.

O LORD, I reject every grasshopper mentality and receive grace to believe what You have said about me in Jesus’ Name.
