Consequences Of Immorality

Proverbs 6:32-33 (KJV)

But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.

Adultery is any illicit sexual relationship involving a married individual and another person outside of their marriage. It’s explicitly prohibited in one of the commandments given to the Israelites (Exodus 20:14). This act starkly contradicts God’s established plans, principles, and expectations regarding sexual behavior. Infidelity not only disrupts human relationships but also severely impacts the connection between the adulterer and God Himself. Engaging in adultery is not merely a sin against God but also a betrayal of our own soul and body. The driving force behind adultery is lust, a selfish desire to exploit another for personal satisfaction. This grievous sin wreaks havoc on relationships to the point where God equates idolatry with adultery in Ezekiel 16. Our anchor Scripture underscores the truth that adultery leads to the destruction of significant destinies. It emphasizes the devastating consequences of adultery, not only in terms of moral and spiritual harm but also in social and personal repercussions. The reality is that adultery is inherently self-destructive, resulting in dishonor and lasting shame. It devastates the lives of those who partake in it and has the potential to derail a person’s path to greatness.

In life, all behavior eventually produces corresponding consequences, bad and good. Godly behavior brings about good blessings and results in the believers’ life. Likewise, ungodly behavior, for instance, adultery, produces disgrace, shame, and destruction. Proverbs 9:17 says, “Stolen waters are sweet, and believer’s in secret is pleasant.” Sex is undeniably a precious gift from God. However, like fire, it can unleash destruction if not”kept in check. Adultery exposes us to sickness, spiritual attacks, and various curses. Immorality facilitates the transfer of curses, evil covenants, spells, and diseases from one person to another. We are currently witnessing the repercussions of sexual laxity across all segments of society, including those who gather in church on Sundays. The allure of the forbidden is deceitful; it may seem enticing, yet it leads directly to disaster. Just like a seemingly ripe apple can be rotten inside, temporary pleasures can mask significant and irreversible losses. Many are ensnared by their own lustful thoughts, which ultimately lead to further sin and destruction. Too many individuals find themselves stagnant in life due to this perilous choice. In our pursuit of intimacy, we must not rush; true love never resorts to adultery, for love honors the sanctity of marriage and aligns with God’s design for sex. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 says, “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:”

Beloved, indulging in adultery is always a losing proposition. Adultery strips the glory of God away from you and clothes you in rags and shame. It never adds anything to you but always takes away your prized possessions. Your life as a Christian is a living witness to others, and you cannot break the laws of God without hindering others from coming to Christ. You must live in holiness before this sinful and wicked world, not according to their standards but to God’s standard in the Bible. Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it has sinned. So, knowing not to commit adultery and doing it is a sin before God. Commit to living with God’s integrity and honor, understanding that your actions profoundly impact yourself and others. Seek to build trust and respect in your relationships, and turn to God for guidance and strength to resist temptations that could lead to destructive behavior. Today, cut down every tree of adulterous lust in your heart before it cuts off your destiny. Whatever separates God from you is something to resist by all means! God hates sin, but He loves the sinner. Ask God to forgive and help you if you are struggling with the lifestyle of immorality. Avoid any act or association that could lead to the trap of adultery. Remember, flee fornication to escape destruction.

O Lord, deliver me from every trap of adultery set for me by the devil. Help me not to become a victim of immorality in Jesus’ Name.
