Continue In Prayer

Colossians 4:2(KJV)

Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;

Prayer is a two-way communication between the believer and our Father in Heaven, the Almighty God. That is, prayer is not a religious activity, but it is that fellowship with the Lord where we talk to and with Him. From the Scripture above, it has been established that the act of prayer with thanksgiving must be a ceaseless and continual process and not an occasional practice. It is imperative for the believer to maintain a steadfast and persistent approach towards prayer. In other words, persistence in prayer is not an option for the Christian; it is an order from the Lord Himself. Persistence in prayer is the key to answered prayer. It symbolizes trust and total dependence on God. If we are to get results or answers in prayer, we must pray consistently and continually. In other words, it is not enough to pray, but P+U+S+H = Pray-Until-Something-Happens. For this reason, God did not place any limitations on prayer. Persistence in prayer with thanksgiving is the sure answer and the ultimate solution to all problems and challenges of life, for gratitude and thankfulness are the keys that unlock the power of prayer. It is a mighty weapon for Christians to dislodge any satanic power. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” As Christians, it is our unwavering commitment to always devote ourselves to prayer.

The importance of prayer to believers cannot be over-emphasized. The blessings of prayer investment are undeniable. Demonstrating our daily dependence on God through prayer is essential. It is critical to note that praying in the spirit is vital in our quest to access more of God’s Glory. It is a ladder we can climb to enter into God’s Presence. As it is written in Jude 1:20, “But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit.” The more we pray in the spirit, the more of His Presence we will encounter, leading us into His Glory. Luke 18:1 says, “….men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” Prayer imparts the power to walk and not faint. Children of God have no excuse for operating a prayerless life because prayer lifts the Hand of God, but prayerlessness encourages the devil to continue with his destruction. So, pray without ceasing both in the spirit and understanding. Because when we pray, supernatural power is released to counter every affliction in our lives.

Beloved, to attain a new dimension of power such as you have never experienced before, you must continuously come to the Throne of Grace boldly in prayer with thanksgiving. There is an Ear waiting to hear and angels standing to take orders as you put your request before God with thanksgiving as He gives you peace that outshines all understanding. Whatever is available with God is accessible at the altar of prayer. Whatever God has to offer is made available at the place of prayer and worship. Whether supernatural supply, power, favor, or anointing, it is available at the place of prayer. Prayer is very significant; your progress in your spiritual life depends on your prayer life, amongst other things. So, pray until something happens in your heart and life! Pray without ceasing! Today, make demands on God-ordained benefits for your life and attack the needs and wants of life at the place of prayer. As you pray with thanksgiving, the Good Shepherd will direct your path and keep you in His Mercy, Strength, and Love. From today, as you pray endlessly, God will answer you speedily in Jesus’ Name. Remember, prayer with thanksgiving gives you a permanent stand with God and makes you anointed beyond measure.

O LORD, I ask for the grace to maintain a fervent prayer life and prevail at the place of prayer in Jesus’ Name.
