Covenant By Sacrifice

Psalm 50:5(KJV)

Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.

For a covenant to be established and upheld, a sacrifice is essential. God has already fulfilled His part, and it is now up to man to do his if he desires to receive and keep receiving the blessings of a covenant with our heavenly Father. Living a sacrificial life means dedicating oneself entirely to the things of God. A sacrificial person will give their life, time, resources, and energy for the Kingdom of God. Our readiness to sacrifice reflects our deep devotion to God. This entails being willing to release whatever God demands of us at any given time. The covenant relationship between God and His people is fundamentally defined by God’s unfailing love, with the expectation that His people reciprocate this love. Additionally, as a covenant obligation, they are to fear the Lord and demonstrate their commitment through service and obedience. Those in covenant with God are individuals who understand the concept of altars and sacrifices. They will lay their time, talent, resources, and energy on the altar. Through their sacrifices, they experience significant Divine covering and tangible Divine defense. Psalm 25:10 says, 10 “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.”  The covenant path is all about our relationship with God.

The Lord is an unwavering God who faithfully keeps His covenant and showers us with enduring love. Psalm 105:8 says, “He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.” When God enters a covenant with us, He wholeheartedly fulfills all His promises to us and our future generations for eternity. God is undeniably a God of covenants, and the benefits of His covenants are exclusively accessible to those who have a covenant relationship with Him. Embracing a life of sacrifice can lead you to places deemed off-limits to others. Every opportunity to sacrifice presents a chance for victory. It is highly recommended to enter into a covenant with God to address difficult issues or to seek His favor, but it is crucial to follow through on your promise to Him. In Judges 11:30-31, Jephthah entered into a covenant with the Lord through a vow and promptly received an answer to his request. Sacrifice and covenant living trigger God’s intervention during times of trouble. When we embrace sacrificial living, we are engulfed in fire and become fire in motion.

Beloved, maintain an unwavering commitment to God by living a life of sacrifice. Be so committed until God bears you witness and can even boast about you. Do not move about looking for human approval because, most of the time, human approval does not equal a divine verdict. Do not just play church; mean business with God. God can never do serious things with unserious people. Be serious with God in your covenant walk with Him. God is with you forever. You can take comfort in knowing you are never alone in your sorrows, challenges, decisions, insecurities, or weaknesses. God, the Father of our spirits, loves you. Through His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and His atoning sacrifice, all the blessings the Father desires for you are available in this covenant relationship. No matter how difficult it can be for you, God never breaks His oath. He kept every promise made to Abraham, Noah, and David. Today, respond by giving thanks to the Lord for His wondrous works and remembering His faithfulness throughout generations, for you can trust His promises and rely on His sovereign grace. Remember, the Lord wants your sacrifice of obedience, thanksgiving, and praise, and He will lead you along, turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones, and make beauty from the ashes of your life.

O Lord, I ask that You help me to live a life of sacrifice. I lay my all at Your Feet in Jesus’ Name.
