Crossing Your Jordan

Joshua 3:13(KJV)

And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand upon an heap.

In our Bible verse for today, we discover when God directed Joshua on what to do for the river Jordan to part for the children of Israel to match through on the dry ground. In the Scripture, God commanded the priests to step into the river Jordan, and as soon as they did, the water dried up, and the people could cross on dry land. This act required faith, as the river was still flowing, and nothing unusual happened. The priests could have waited for God to perform the miracle before taking action but chose to take the first step of faith. This act of obedience led to the manifestation of God’s power, allowing the people to cross the river Jordan safely. Many can empathize with how Israel must have felt in their journey. Often, we encounter insurmountable obstacles and lose hope of ever reaching our destination. We become stagnant, feeling we are on the wrong side of what God has promised us. Despite our efforts, we remain stuck in the wilderness, unable to experience the abundance we read about in the Scriptures. However, it is essential to remember that God has the power to transform a seemingly impossible situation into an opportunity for growth.

Achieving success in life requires more than focusing on and consecrating ourselves to the Lord. The crucial step of faith must be taken to cross any river. Having the right intentions and mindset is sufficient to make progress if action is taken. Therefore, taking the necessary steps and meeting the challenges is imperative to succeed in God’s work and life. Guidance is needed, and it involves understanding the steps to take to move from our current position. Consistency in the proper and divine direction is crucial for achieving maximum impact in all aspects of life. Steady progress in the correct direction ultimately leads to the fulfillment of destiny. To reach our Promised Land, we must practice bold obedience, even when we don’t understand God’s plan. Faith resides in the heart, not the mind. We must turn off our thoughts and listen to God’s voice to move forward. In life, it can feel like we have hit a dead end when we encounter challenges or obstacles. However, it’s important to remember that a setback is not the end of the road. We all make mistakes or experience failures that can lead to closed doors. However, it’s essential to keep moving forward, for new opportunities are always on the horizon. Don’t let past mistakes or failures derail any journey because setbacks are not the end of one’s life or potential.

Beloved, if you want to reach where God wants you to, you must keep making moves, taking steps, and changing positions; you must keep on, making sure that at least every day of your life, you move forward in the right direction. Every day, you must learn something you never knew before and take an action you have never taken before. Make up your mind to refrain from taking any step outside Divine Direction or Guidance and take the right decisions promptly. Conquer anything that makes you undecided in life and move forward by making the right decision. Your decision determines your destiny. Keep moving forward. Better days are ahead. Don’t let setbacks hold you back. Have faith in what you’re doing and trust in the promise of a brighter future. Trust that God won’t let you drown in your current situation. He has a plan for you to achieve more extraordinary things. Overcome your fear of the unknown, and success will follow. Take a step of faith. Get your feet wet and move forward into the blessing and victory He has in store for you! Keep moving! Remember, the path to progress lies in taking steps forward; the key to reaching your destination is to keep taking those steps.

O Lord, thank You for granting me the Spirit of boldness to walk towards my promised land in Jesus’ Name.
