Crossing Your Jordan

Joshua 3:3-4(KJV)

And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the Ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.

Israel had already conquered the cities on the side of Jordan, but the land on the other side of the Jordan River was also part of God’s promised land. God had already promised them victory over all their enemies, but before possessing the land for themselves, they had to fight for what belonged to them on the other side. The Lord told Joshua to instruct them to follow the Ark of the Covenant and the priests carrying it, and they would know the way to go, for they had not passed this way before. Watching the Ark represented watching the Presence of the Lord and following His lead. As they put their faith into action, the Lord made the flowing Jordan River stand up in a heap, and the priests carrying the Ark and the people of Israel crossed over on the dry ground. God gave them safe passage across the Jordan as they followed His leading. Isaiah 48:17 says, “Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.”

We all have our own Jordans to cross, and it can be tempting to follow our thoughts, emotions, or desires, but that ultimately leaves us unfulfilled and unsuccessful. As we follow our thoughts, we become bitter and unhappy. We struggle with difficulties and many unanswered questions. We vent our frustrations at God and begin to find our hearts drifting away. However, God always has an extraordinary plan and a mega promise for us on the other side of the river. But to get there, we must first cross a barrier. We need to pack our bags and follow God. That’s the only way we can know which way to go. Like Israel, we have never been this way, but God knows all about this way. He knows how best to lead us. So, even if staying on the other side of our Promised Land is more accessible, we must follow God. On our journey through life, in every circumstance, we can learn to follow the Ark, just like the Israelites followed the Ark. To follow the Ark today is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside every believer. Just like the Israelites only got to the promised land by following the Ark, we can only find and fulfill our destiny by following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. If we follow the Holy Spirit, we will also have excellent results. Following His lead and staying so close, we can appear with Christ. Then others won’t see us but see Him. Following our gentle and humble Leader is never burdensome—it’s the way to hope, victory, and healing. 

Beloved, it doesn’t matter if this is a way you have never been. But it does matter WHO is leading you. Keep your eyes on the Ark, and God will get you where He wants you to go. It does not matter what is ahead of you. It does matter WHO is with you. No matter where you are, this new road is uncharted territory for you. Let God go before you and light your path. Leave room for God to show you the way and trust in Him. Trying to figure everything out before you obey God will steal your joy. Trust in His strength and wisdom, and let Him lead you to your promised land. Never come to a point when you begin to think you know your way better than God. He is Omniscient. In every area of life, whether choosing your career, marriage partner, a place to live, or doing your business, ask God to guide and lead you into His perfect will. Therein lies the secret of victory and defense, peace and happiness, success and marvelous accomplishments. In your heart, be determined today that you will FOLLOW Him, no matter what. Focus not on the problems or hardships in your life but look to Jesus and follow Him. Remember, the footstep you follow determines where you will end in life. God never guides you anywhere that He cannot keep you.

O Lord, help me to follow You every step of the way as You lead me, denying myself and taking up my cross daily in Jesus’ Name.
