Psalm 107:22(KJV))
And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.
David in our anchored Scripture admonishes us to offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to God no matter what our problems are and He will take care of us. That is, our thanksgiving should be a sacrifice with sweet savor to God. It is painless to praise and thank God when everything is going well, but when we thank and glorify Him in the thick of a troubling situation, that is a sacrifice and it does not go unnoticed by God. Choosing to praise Him in the middle of hard circumstances and to thank Him for His faithfulness opens the door for His Presence to manifest, and for His power to begin working on our behalf. It is written in Matthew 26:30 “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.” On the night before Jesus went to the cross and knowing what was ahead of Him still sang a hymn of praise with His disciples. As Jesus sang with His disciples on that Passover night, He was giving us the ultimate reason to lift our eyes above our immediate circumstances and always offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to God.
As children of God, we are to be thankful in all things, recognizing always what God has done for us by declaring His Works with joy. When we thank Him, we acknowledge that we owe all we have and all we are to Him, and that we will not forget His Works in our lives. However, many believe that most things they get are their rights. They believe in their sweat, smartness and intellect; hence, they see no reason to give thanks to the Almighty God. For believers, this is not only wrong but a wicked and dangerous act. For instance, in Luke 17:17-19, only one of the lepers returned to give thanks to the Lord. He was healed and also made whole while the remaining nine were only healed but not made whole. The nine did not return because they thought they were entitled to their healing, so there was no need to come back and thank God.
Beloved, great things happen when you offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to God continually and declare His Works with joy. Make thanksgiving your lifestyle, not just an occasional activity. As you are thankful, your faith will rise to new heights and open doors of victory and blessings. No matter what is happening around you, thank Him and declare His goodness. Your thanksgiving should not be offered grudgingly or of necessity but willingly and cheerfully. When you have no place to turn, turn to thanksgiving! Thank the Lord for His forgiveness, blessings, promises, all that he has done and is going to do. In everything, give thanks! Today, create an atmosphere for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the angels assigned to you to dwell. Your thanksgiving put the devil under serious pressure, so never go a day without it. As you read this devotional, take a moment and think about your own life, and how God heard your cry for help and responded with His steadfast love and thank Him. Let your whole life become an expression of thanks to the Lord for His steadfast love. Remember, thanking God starts your day right and helps you recall His goodness that never ends.
O Lord, thank You that You are at work for good both in me and through me. I offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving in Jesus’ Name.