Discard Discouragement And Hostility

1 Samuel 17:28 (KJV)

And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men; and Eliab’s anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle. 

In the face of a daunting threat from Goliath during a time of war in Israel, Saul and his soldiers were gripped with fear. However, David saw things from a divine perspective and was driven to take on the challenge. When he arrived at the battlefield, he knew exactly what to do. With unwavering confidence, David was ready to challenge the giant who taunted God. Even though Eliab railed accusations of pride and naughtiness of heart against David, he did not deny them or defend himself; he only asked this rhetorical question: “Is there not a cause?” He did not change his language when he said he wanted to kill Goliath. He was not deterred, even when king Saul tried to persuade him not to fight Goliath for fear of him getting killed. He insisted that no man’s heart fail because of this philistine, and he would go out and fight him. No wonder he boldly declared in Psalm 23:4 that though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he would fear no evil because the Good Shepherd was with him. David ignored and discarded all forms of discouragement and hostility that came his way through his brother, Eliab, and King Saul. It is clear, in this life, we will always be faced with a choice. That is a choice to please people or God, to pursue our God-given destiny, or to be discouraged and fail in life.

It is essential always to remind ourselves that we are responsible for the outcome of our lives. When we lack mission and purpose, others will define our lives for us or spend them doing irrelevant things. However, we can live as God commands when we define our lives. Mark 10:47-48 says, “And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.” The choice not to give up kept Bartimaeus shouting to Jesus for mercy and help, restoring his sight and changing his story. People will always discourage us, especially the very ones who are close to us. Instead of getting discouraged, testify and boast in the Lord of all the beautiful things He has accomplished in our lives. In the same way, we should walk away from the people who try to discourage, control, or accuse us. Instead of allowing what they say or think to take root in our hearts, we can move forward into what God has called us to do in this life. Unlike David, many believers do not declare their faith because they are too mindful of public opinion. Their fear is how people would feel when they hear statements like ‘I cannot be sick’ or I cannot be poor.’ Won’t they think of pride? However, when we declare positive confessions, we are planting seeds of life that will yield fruits for us tomorrow.

Beloved, you must ignore hostility and discouragement if you want to accomplish your desired goal in life. Don’t wait for people to understand before you speak, or you will die in failure and misery. Focus on your mission and speak the WORD to create your GREAT DESTINY. Learn not to consider people’s opinions or views above the WORD OF GOD. What they call you is not as important as what the WORD OF GOD says concerning you. Define your life and establish boundaries around you to go for only what will build, edify, and secure your future. Take responsibility for your destiny and fight for the cause. Let your faith always be active and aggressive, going after the problem and taking it on. Today, rely on God’s Support System and refuse to rely on your own strength. Always identify with God by presenting yourself as an ambassador of the Lord of Hosts; success will be yours.

O LORD, help me not live without a mission. Empower me to fulfill Your Purpose for my life in Jesus’ Name.
