Divine Remembrance

Nehemiah 13:14 (KJV)

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof.

The Scripture emphatically illustrates that God unfailingly remembers His children for their good deeds. He consistently and promptly responds favorably and intervenes in every circumstance when His children actively call on Him in prayer. It clearly emphasizes the immense power of prayer in our relationship with God. Regardless of life’s challenges, His steadfast love endures forever. He is the unwavering covenant-keeping God who never forsakes the work of His Hands. The Book of Remembrance serves as a divine documentation of those who fear God and obey His commands. Positioned before the throne of God, it meticulously records the righteous deeds of His children. Nehemiah demonstrated unwavering determination to rebuild the broken wall of Jerusalem. Despite fierce opposition from Sanballat and others, he fervently prayed for God to remember him. Nehemiah’s persistence and unwavering faith in God led to divine remembrance. As a result, he obtained the mercy of the Lord to undertake the project successfully.

Divine remembrance occurs when God shows mercy or favor to His children or a nation in response to their cries. Throughout the Bible, several people cried to God to remember them, and the Lord heard their cry for remembrance. When God remembers His children for good, change takes place. It is part of God’s Nature to call our deeds into remembrance for adequate compensation. It is not in the character of God to forget anything like we humans do, for He is the All-knowing God. It is written in Psalm 106:4, “Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation;” For God to remember us stirs His compassionate action, bringing deliverance from the present trouble. When God remembers our good works, He shows favor and saves His children. When King Hezekiah was faced with death, He cried to God in Isaiah 38:3, “Remember how I walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart.” According to the scriptures, the Lord instructed the prophet Isaiah to convey a message to King Hezekiah, informing him that his prayers had been heard and his tears seen by God. The Lord promised Hezekiah an additional fifteen years of life and pledged to deliver and defend the city.

Beloved, it is of utmost importance for you to understand that when God remembers anyone, He is set to do something only He can do for such a person. God shall remember you! When God remembers you, He will deliver you and your loved ones from all your troubles. As the Lord remembers you today, He will also put an end to every form of barrenness and open your womb for fruitfulness. In this season, God is granting you supernatural openings in Jesus’ Name. God shall fulfil your heart desires and aged long aspirations in Jesus’ Name. As the Lord remembers you, the stagnation of many years will cease in a day. When God remembers you, He brings an end to every frustration, shame and reproach. When God remembers you, your long years of mourning shall turn into joy. Today, open your mouth and ask God to remember you. Because every closed mouth equals a closed destiny. Don’t allow your mouth to be closed. Always be joyful because the joy of the Lord is the key to being remembered by God. On the other hand, sadness closes the door to the remembrance of God. Remember, a life of holiness is not just a suggestion, but a requirement for anyone who wants to call upon the Lord and be remembered.

O Lord, remember me with favor and mercy in Jesus’ Name.
