Don’t Be An Accessory

Genesis 19:32(KJV)

Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

After Lot left Zoar, he feared its destruction by fire, just like Sodom and Gomorrah, went to the mountains, and hid with his two daughters in a cave. Thinking that all men were destroyed and that they were the only survivors, Lot’s older daughter hatched a plan with the younger sister to lay with their father to take seeds. In their ploy, Lot’s two daughters got him drunk with wine on two consecutive nights to make him impregnate them, and they achieved their dream. They both became pregnant without their father being aware of what was happening due to intoxication. The Bible records that Lot did not know when his daughters had sex with him or when they both arose. Although Lot is not responsible for the action of his daughters, he drinks the wine offered to him. In the end, the daughters gave birth to two sons, with the older daughter naming her son Moab and the younger Ammon. Both sons became the founding fathers of the cursed nations of the Moabite and Ammonite. Their actions bring to mind Habakkuk 2:15, “Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!”

We currently live in a world where many Christians are partaking in other people’s sins knowingly or unknowingly. Unfortunately, those who satisfy themselves in aiding and abetting sinful lifestyles fail to realize that not only are they partaking in such sins along with the sinners, but they would also be partakers of the punishment. Not only is it sinful to drink alcohol, but it is also a curse to offer it to others. Anyone who gives it to their friends or family members is cursed. So, when people organize parties, weddings, funerals, and other social gatherings and serve alcohol, it becomes a curse. No wonder many marriages are falling apart because many are cursed even before they leave the marriage ceremony. The language of 1 Corinthians 6:10 is a much stronger warning that says, “drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God.” In other words, those who drink alcohol cannot be a part of God’s Kingdom. Drunkenness must be resisted at all costs and permanently put to bed in the life of a Christian. However, many name-only Christians choose to remain babies in Christ and are stagnant in feeding on milk instead of solid meat. Such people are easy to convince with any strange doctrines and heresies. In this class, many will say all manner to defend alcohol consumption. Isaiah 5:11 says, “Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!”

Beloved, abstain from alcohol, for it destroys life and destiny. You cannot control the influence of alcohol; it rules over whoever takes it. Never give room to satan to control your life and future through alcohol. Stop looking at it, no matter how alluring it might seem! It will bite you like a serpent. Don’t hang around those who drink or talk about alcohol. Let your name never be found anywhere alcohol is present. Never offer alcohol to your friends or anyone, for it brings curses. Serving alcohol to your guests is not only encouraging a sinful act but also guilty as those who drank it. Trading in alcohol as a child of God is even worse. Refuse to take anyone to hell because you will give an account of what you did on earth. Today, take a stand against drunkenness, seek help, keep your heart with all diligence and renew it daily with the Word of God. Make up your mind to be intimate with God instead of consuming alcohol daily. Avoid a life of drunkenness and maintain a life of worship. Being drunk with alcohol offers only evil, so flee from it. When Lot’s daughters offered their father alcohol, they thought they were doing him good, but their ill-conceived decision later created enemies for Israel. Remember, offering alcohol to anyone will bring a curse upon you and ultimately lead to their destruction.

O Lord, give me the spirit of boldness to resist being an accomplice of sin. Help me not to defile my body with alcohol in any way, in Jesus’ Name.
