Effect of Knowing God

Daniel 11:32(KJV)

And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Our anchor Scripture clarifies that they who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. One fundamental truth a man needs on earth is the knowledge of God. According to the Scriptures, all those born of God are destined to live a life of remarkable accomplishments and great exploits. The knowledge of God is the exclusive right of those who know the Almighty God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, and is very critical to the fulfillment of life and destiny. It is essential to know that God is everything to us because knowing Him fuels our exploits in life. Exploit is the birthright of the redeemed of the Lord, nothing short of that. Our exploit as redeemed children of God are directly proportional to the level or amount of God’s Word inside us. Life becomes limited when we know the Lord and lack His Word. 

The knowledge of the ways of God through His Word makes a person end as a commander of His acts and is a doorway to Divine proofs and exploits. As God’s foot soldiers, we need to know our God through and through because only those who know their God can perform valiantly at the battlefront. Because David knew his God, even without a sword in his hand, he boldly replied to Goliath with these words of faith in 1 Samuel 17:45-46 “…I come to thee in the Name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee…” David overcame Goliath because he knew his God. “When faced with the threat of being burned alive by King Nebuchadnezzar, the three Hebrew boys fearlessly stood their ground and declared that they were not afraid to defend their beliefs, even if it meant facing death head-on.” They were fully confident in the God of Israel’s ability to deliver them. Their unwavering spiritual experience with God empowered them to overcome the fire easily.

Beloved, determine to seek the knowledge of God and His Word, and you will exist in the realm of exploits. The most important thing is to walk with God, to live for God, and to have one consuming passion to please Him always. As Paul desired to know Him and the Power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, do likewise as a servant of the Most High God, and you will be destined for greatness. Be dedicated to studying and obeying God’s Word. Run the Christian race with a mindset that is never complacent, always desiring to know more of God. The more you know Him, the stronger you will become. The more you know Him, the better you will be able to face life’s challenges and stand tall during problems—the more of Him you know, the more of His Peace in your heart. Make up your mind to treasure His Word more than your food. As long as you remain a child of God, you are a candidate for supernatural exploits! May you find GRACE in the sight of God this day so you might know Him more in Jesus’ Name. Remember, ask God to show you the dimension of Him you have not yet known.

O LORD, I ask for a deep hunger to know You more intimately. I make demands on Your Power to produce commanding exploits in my life in Jesus’ Name.
