Endure To The End

Luke 9:62(KJV)
And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
From the above Scripture, Jesus made it very clear to His followers that there is no shortcut in surrendering our lives to God. We can’t surrender our lives to God and look back because he intention of God for His children is for them to serve Him to the end. When you walk with Him, not only must you be obedient, your obedience must also be complete to the end. Heaven is not for those who run the marathon for years and give up just a little before the finish line. Rather, it is for those who endure all things to the very end. Looking back disqualifies you, rendering you unfit for God’s Kingdom.
In God’s Kingdom, there is no room for half measures. It is either you are following Him to the end or you are not following Him at all. If you have decided to serve Him, please don’t stop to look back! When God instructed Lot and his household that they should not look back while running away from Sodom, Lot’s wife was carried away by the pressure and cares of this world. She seemed to have been carried away by the material treasures she had left behind in Sodom and the pressures and chaos of the destructions behind her. When she turned back, she became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). The bottom line is we have to learn how to fully let go of our past before we can start to proceed into our Divine destinies. Many turn their back from following God because of prosperity. When their lives change and they have little money or breakthrough, they refuse to go to church again. Today, it is rare to get a committed worker or minister like Elisha, who would be diligently determined to reach his goal without being discouraged, distracted or disillusioned. Have you turned aside from God’s calling on your life? Are you busy making excuses as to why you cannot obey God and serve Him faithfully, saying “after all, God understands?” Sorry, God does not understand you are going back on your commitments, He doesn’t understand why you keeping putting everything before Him. He does not understand compromise. If you are in such a state, come out fast and hold the fort to the very end!
Beloved, making Jesus Lord over your life means that you are now willing to turn the reigns of your life over to Him, as He leads and directs your life. You are now no longer your own, you now belong to God and no one else in this life. You cannot afford to stop your race to Heaven now, because you have put in so much to get to where you are today. Be focused in life on God either in pressure or prosperity and resist the defeatist mentality at all cost, always look into the future with focus. My dear friends, to turn back from following God is to end in eternity in hellfire. That shall not be your portion in Jesus’ Name. Therefore, do not let pressure or prosperity stop you from following God. Make up your mind to follow God even in times of challenges, trials or temptations and refuse to look back no matter what happens. I will end with what Jesus said in Matthew 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” The key words are “Endure To The End!”
O LORD, help me never to turn back from following You despite pressure or prosperity, I ask that You give me the grace to be more focused on You in Jesus’ Name.