Endure To The End

Matthew 24:13 (KJV)

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him about the timing and signs of His second coming and the end of the age, He warned them to be wary of deception and emphasized the importance of endurance. Jesus clarified that those who persist in their faith until the end will ultimately be saved and receive the reward of entering Heaven. So, the possibility of starting the Christian race and not reaching the finish line is obvious. However, faithful followers of Jesus Christ will withstand the onslaught of wickedness, recognize and reject false teaching, and cling to the truth of God’s Word. Our endurance will help us overcome this world and be devoted Christians. In humility and trust in God, not corrupted by flatteries, we will arrive safely in Heaven at the end of our journey on earth. While the world wonders after the kingdom of the devil, those who understand and endure will rest in hope, knowing that we belong to the Kingdom of God.

In the Christian race, without perseverance and endurance, it is not hard to fall away from the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7 says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” These words were part of Apostle Paul’s last words that he spoke before his execution in Rome. We often encounter situations that test our faith and resolve daily. We are encouraged to remain faithful and trust in God’s promises, knowing that our perseverance will lead to salvation. It’s a call to hold on to our faith, no matter the obstacles, and to trust that God is with us through every trial. Finishing the race requires dedication, which comes from the conviction that God is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. So, those still running the Christian race must be more careful because there are more distractions today than before. While awaiting the revelation of the ultimate experience of salvation, the devil, the world, and the flesh will work to derail the salvation experience received by trying to lead many to commit sins they once left behind. Persecution and tribulation are not strange to the Christian faith, as our Lord already told us they would happen. The devil will stop at nothing to make Christians regret their decision to dedicate their lives to God through His Son, Jesus Christ, by subjecting them to persecution, trials, and afflictions. It is Satan’s ambition to make believers suffer and give in to his tricks. However, we must remain steadfast and not yield to these challenges. Returning to our former sins will prevent us from experiencing the ultimate salvation that will be revealed and received at the return of Christ. Despite the trials that Satan may bring, Philippians 4:13 assures us that we can overcome any test with the strength and support of Jesus Christ.

Beloved, as you journey through the wilderness of this world toward your heavenly home, don’t forget that this way is narrow. Straight is the gate, and slim is the way, according to the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ. It takes a lot of discipline and self-denial to scale through successfully. So, take a stand for Jesus Christ, even though this may attract persecution or tribulation. Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord and knowing your labor is not in vain. Despite the threats of trials, temptations, and all forms of afflictions, you will instruct many by your words and deeds, winning souls for Christ and knowing that to live is Christ, but dying is gain, and whether you live or die, you are the Lord’s. As a child of God, you should be persistent no matter what the devil throws your way. In all things, endure with patience and rely on the Comforter. For victory belongs to those who persevere. I pray you will persist to the end in the Name of Jesus. Pursuing holy living and fighting the good fight of faith leads you to eternal life. Never mind the circumstances around you now. Determine never to give up! Take heed, lest you fall! Be careful how you run the race! Keep your eyes on the end! Remember, embrace the reality of your salvation, and assert your victory over sin as you continue to live.

O Lord, help me endure to the end and not perish with this world in Jesus’ Name.
