Faithful Steward Of Jesus

1 Corinthians 4:2 KJV

Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

God is Faithful, His Faithfulness never ends, and He also wants His Children to be faithful. God’s requirement of our faithfulness in stewardship applies to every area of our lives. Apostle Paul highlights that as followers of Christ, we are to dedicate ourselves to serving Christ, who leads us through life. As stewards of the mysteries of God, we are entrusted with the Gospel and the cross of Christ. This is our most valuable possession, and we are responsible for stewarding it in a way that honors Christ. As stewards of the mysteries of God, we are called to faithfully serve God and handle the Gospel with diligence and care. It is clear that anyone who will be faithful must possess an unwavering commitment marked by faith, loyalty, enthusiasm, and devotion to God. As faithful stewards of Jesus, we must be consumed with unbridled and focused passion for God, dedicating our lives entirely to Him. Undoubtedly, God expects that we love Him above all else in this world. As we strive to be faithful stewards, it’s essential to cultivate qualities such as obedience, humility, trust in God, and confidence in Christ. These characteristics can be challenging to develop, but with patience and determination, we can work towards embodying them in our daily lives.

The character of faithfulness is critical to life and destiny. No wonder men of great destiny and influence displayed the character of faithfulness and trustworthiness on their way to the top. Faithfulness is one of the most rewarding virtues. It is one of the uncommon principles on the face of the earth. The faithful are loyal to God and humanity, true to their work, keep promises, fulfill contracts, abide by the obligations they lay under, be it great or less, and throughout the whole course of their life. In other words, faithfulness is a realm of reliability, dependability, and integrity. Matthew 25:21 says, “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” In other words, only the faithful ever become fruitful in the Kingdom because faithfulness is what births fruitfulness. The one faithful over a few will become the lord over many things. For God gives the faithful the privilege of handling mighty things. Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.” Like Daniel, believers are to respond to life with faithfulness and discipline and devote their all to honoring God. When we do that, we will find that some tests or trials open the doors to extraordinary opportunities. Walking along the narrow road of life, we will see dangers and roaring lions on both sides, temptation, and snares of all kinds, ready to overwhelm us. But if we advance, we shall find that the uncertainties and perilousness will disappear, the mouths of the lions will be stopped, and eventually, victory will be ours.

Beloved, understand that faithfulness will market you in time and eternity. The time is coming when your faithfulness will speak for you in areas where your certificate and beauty cannot speak for you. Today, make up your mind to develop the character of faithfulness and trustworthiness, for it pays to be faithful; it has rewards not only in this life but in eternity. Your faithfulness towards the things of God will bring you blessings. Continue to be faithful in all things, for God, who pays according to your deeds, will bless you. Be faithful in your service and devotion to God and man. As a Christian, your faithfulness and dependability will be tested. In your walk with God, you will encounter difficult situations requiring you to make decisions. These decisions are indications to the Father whether you are trustworthy enough to move ahead to the next level of responsibility. So, refuse to be crooked in your dealings with God and people. Remember, God blesses a faithful person by committing greater things into his hands.

O Lord, I ask for the grace to maintain a lifestyle of faithfulness. Keep me away from temptation and deliver me from evil in Jesus’ Name.
