Father Forgive Them

Luke 23:34(ESV) 

And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”[ a] And they cast lots to divide his garments.

Today is distinctive in the history of the world in general and in the Body of Christ in particular. Christians observe the anniversary of Christ’s death and the process leading up to His resurrection, which is the central focus of Christianity. On the Cross, one of the seven things Jesus spoke was, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” What a powerful statement; even at the point of death, Jesus was still asking the Father to forgive His haters. Even on the Cross, He refused to be offended! On that Cross, Jesus shed His Blood for the forgiveness of sin. As Jesus died for the sins of the world, the anger directed at Him by the people He died for brings new significance to His loving words, “Father, forgive them.” These words of Jesus spoken from the Cross were more potent than the hatred and insults hurled at Him. In the most agonizing hours of His life, our Lord demonstrated the radical response He taught His followers: “Love your enemies, forgive, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you . . . . Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Jesus fulfilled destiny when He forgave. Luke 22:37 says, “For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me has its fulfillment.”

The death of Jesus Christ is a significant fact in human history because Jesus Christ came for the express purpose of dying for sinners. Our Redeemer used His last breath to forgive those who had beaten, torn, ridiculed and hung Him on the Cross to die. As blood flowed from His hands and feet, mercy flowed from His lips. He demonstrated the act of forgiveness that we, as Christian believers, are to follow. As Christians, to forgive is to fulfill destiny and it lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is one reason the devil is on a wild mission to hurt, deceive and stop us from moving forward in life, family and ministry. He uses others to offend us. If the devil can’t stop us from praying, attending church meetings, fasting, giving, living a holy life, and doing good, he will use the people we love to get us. That is why forgiveness is very significant! If we cannot be offended, there is nothing the devil can use to stop us. Forgiveness makes us choose not to stay angry with people or get even because of what they did but let God take care of vindicating us. Forgiveness is not about the fellow who offended us; it is about us and our relationship with God. Stephen, the first martyr, prayed to God on behalf of his persecutors and murderers that He should not count the wrong against them. By asking forgiveness, Heaven did not waste Saul of Tarsus. Saul later became Apostle Paul. 

Beloved, as much as it is difficult to forgive, as a Christian, you are required to harbor no grudge against anyone, no matter how hard it is. Make up your mind to forgive all offenders and offenses. Choose to forgive people and wrongdoing even in advance. Refuse to be held in any demonic prison of hurt and resentment as the year progresses. Let go of everything, forgive and move on with your life. You become unstoppable when you refuse to be hurt or offended by what people say or do to or about you. Don’t hang on to bitterness or anger, but show grace and love to those who wronged you. Are you being ridiculed, lied to or going through hurt or betrayal? Cheer up, and look unto Him. Your future is brighter than every ugly thing that people have done or said to you in the past. DON’T LET YOUR PAST KIDNAP YOUR FUTURE! Let go and let God! Let it go so that what God has ordained will be deposited in your life. Today, extend His love to those who hurt you. Sooner or later, you will be with Him in glory if you do not give up. Remember, the one who forgives others does good to himself than anyone else because he frees himself from a self-imposed prison.

O Lord, I ask for the grace to forgive anyone that may have offended me; help me forgive, that Your love will set me free in Jesus’ Name. 
