Follow Him

Luke 5:28 (KJV)

And he left all, rose up, and followed him.One of the greatest privileges on earth is being called by God and serving in His Vineyard. From the above Scripture, Levi left everything behind and followed Jesus when He called them. He left his street thugs behind. Levi abandoned his tax collection booth with unwavering conviction, leaving behind all the money, and arose to follow Jesus. Levi was confident that he had found what he had been searching for when he encountered Jesus. Levi knew that no amount of money could ever satisfy the emptiness in his life, but Jesus could. The decision to leave everything behind and follow Jesus was easy, as the rewards were far more significant than anything he had ever experienced. As disciples of Jesus, we need to be filled with unrestricted and single-minded zeal for God and live our lives sold out to Him. The Bible says in Mark 8:34, “And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” In other words, anyone who will follow Jesus Christ must deny himself by refusing to satisfy personal interests or desires that conflict with God’s commandments or ways of His Kingdom. When we love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, we naturally develop great passion and zeal for anything that concerns Him. Commitment to God (not what He can produce) always separates the true children of God from the false.Though not many of us are requested or called to leave our family and friends behind to serve God as full-time missionaries, God wants all of us to follow Him! As believers, the will of God deserves priority above all other interests in our lives. Moreover, His commandments should be our yardstick for measuring what is right or wrong. Following His lead and staying so close, we can appear with Christ. However, many have forgotten that our depth of dedication to God determines how far we go in life. Many Christians today will put everything first before God. Their jobs, husbands, wives, children, parents, friends, parties, weddings, funerals, shopping, and all manner of unnecessary things come first before God. However, Levi immediately left everything and followed Jesus. Those who are not dedicated cannot follow Jesus. They are addicted to convenience and tolerate unpleasant things to God and His Kingdom. In following Jesus, the superstorm may rage, billows may toss high, and there may be problems, challenges, obstacles, and impediments, but follow Jesus. The Bible says in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” The promise is that if we seek the Kingdom of God first and its righteousness, we will never lack any good thing.Beloved, your fellowship determines the outcome you experience in life. You cannot follow in the footsteps of Jesus and end up as a loser. Dedication in service brings the blessings of God, for the best of God only answers to the best of man. You cannot put God first and be last in life. God has not called you to mock you, but He has called you to make you and beautify your life. You cannot work for God, and people of the world will not see your enviable personality. So, make up your mind to move and act on behalf of God when others are indifferent and lukewarm to Him and His cause. Your past and current circumstances don’t define you. What matters is that God wants you to follow Him. Don’t worry about what others think of you. You are someone Jesus wants by His side. Today, when you hear Jesus calling, do as Simon, Andrew, and Levi did: leave everything behind and follow Jesus. Whatever is contrary to the calling of God for your life is cursed to its roots in Jesus’ Name. In following Jesus, many will discourage you, but be determined to pursue your calling. Remember to choose to stand for God as you follow Jesus.O Lord, empower me by Your Spirit to follow and serve You unconditionally in Jesus’ Name.
