For God Is With Us

Isaiah 8:10(KJV)

Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us.

From our anchored Scripture, God sent Isaiah to reassure Judah that the conspiracy of Israel with Syria against Judah would fail. He, therefore, wanted Judah to have confidence in Him as the Lord who delivers and saves. Prophet Isaiah wanted Judah to know that no human plans can thwart God’s plans, and it doesn’t matter whether those plans were devised by Ahaz or by the mighty warlords of Assyria because God was with them. The truth is, Immanuel(God with us) turns to dust every ploy that is empty of God’s intentions. Isaiah 7:7 says, “Thus, saith the Lord GOD, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass.” God has the first and the final word in our lives, for He is the Alpha (the first) and the Omega (the last). Only God has the final say. When He says, “It shall not stand,” it will surely not stand. Nothing we do or plan will stand if it is not in the will of God. 

The world we live in is full of wickedness from the devil(satan) and his agents. They can plan their evil schemes or perfect their wicked plot against God’s children, but it shall not stand or come to pass. It is vain for anyone or a group to think that they can work against the will of God or work without His will and succeed. Lamentations 3:37 says, “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?” No one can speak of what they want to happen in the present or future and have it that way, except God sanctions it. God plays a prominent role in every successful endeavor; no human effort will be sufficient if God is not involved. Whatever the situation, take God’s Word as final. While we live in a fallen and unfair world, the truth is that we serve a good and righteous God. Nothing escapes His notice, and He promises to take care of our enemies as we faithfully look to Him. It is not the desire of God for His children to live in fear of the enemy. Despite the various threats and fear-generating situations today, be confident and hopeful. He wants us to have confidence in Him and trust His word in every circumstance. The Lord has devised an invincible plan of blessing that will bring good news and destroy every satanic scheme of the enemy. As believers, we are encouraged never to lose faith amid all challenges. Instead, we are to continue to look to God, the Author, and Finisher of our faith. 

Beloved, the Word of God is superior to any other word on earth, and nothing paralyzes satanic agenda like the power in the Word of God. The counsel of God can never fail in your life. God has the final say! Accept and believe only what God says about you. The threats or negative words of the enemy shall not stand in your life; God didn’t declare them. It does not matter the negative things anyone has said or planned; if God is not the One who said or planned it, everything is under control. It does not matter what the doomsday prophecies about you are; if God did not say it and you refuse to believe it, you have no problem. It does not matter what the doctor or anyone says, for God has the final say! God is the Almighty in our past, present, and future. So don’t be haunted by the past, lose heart for today, or fear the future. For example, some people might say you can never get married, have children, or succeed. It is only confirmed if you believe it. If you don’t, it will never come to pass. As long as Jesus is on the Throne, the negative pronouncement over your life, you shall not succeed and excel in Jesus’ Name. The gang up against you will fail because it is not of God. Today, discard those negative opinions about your life. Only believe what God says about you in His Word. Do not allow yourself to be swayed, distracted, or discouraged by the negative opinions of others about you. Let the Word of God be your assurance today because the enemy does not have the final word; God does! As long as God is with you, the desire of the wicked shall perish. The counsel of the wicked shall be frustrated, in the Name of Jesus! Remember, it is worthless to live without God, for even the air you breathe is a gift from Him.

O Lord, I reject every demonic counsel against my life and destiny; let it not stand in Jesus’ Name.
