Matthew 6:14-15(GNT)
If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrongs you have done.
We live in a world full of offences, that is why for as long as you are in this world, offences must come, human beings must err or offend. As a human being, there is no way you will not be offended in your interactions with fellow human beings. Offence is a satanic trap for the destruction and damnation of man. When we are offended or hurt, we often feel justified in holding a grudge. However, it is one thing for offences to come, it is another thing to have the grace to forgive the offender. It is written in Colossians 3:13 “Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you.” We are to forgive one another as Christ forgave us.
As Christians we are expected to forgive others no matter how painful the offence. To forgive means to give up resentment and bitterness or to let go of an offence. Forgiveness is a mandate for Christians; no one can profess to be a genuine Christian and not live a lifestyle of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a condition for us to make Heaven. Forgiveness is a choice. It is a deliberate act of will, motivated by obedience to God and His command to forgive(Lk. 17:3-4) and a precondition to receive forgiveness from Him. Just as God has extended His unconditional forgiveness to us, He expects us to extend the same to our neighbors. Stephen at the point of death cried out loudly to God not to hold this sin against those who were stoning him. In this life many will throw stones at us but forgive and move on. Forgiveness closes the door to the attack of satan so that he cannot gain a foothold that might eventually become a stronghold. Forgiving whether we feel like it or not, or releasing even the greatest offender into God’s hands will baffle, confound, and damage the whole realm of the devil. We will know the work of forgiveness is complete when we experience the freedom that comes as a result. We are the ones who suffer most when we choose not to forgive. When we do forgive, the Lord sets our hearts free from the anger, bitterness, resentment, and hurt that previously imprisoned us.
Beloved, your lack of forgiveness can sabotage your comprehensive victory. Since no one can offend you 70*7= 490 times in a day, therefore, learn to forgive so that your fasting and prayers can be acceptable before God. Your waiting on Him will never amount to a hunger strike if you forgive those who have offended you. Today forgive totally all that have offended you and release them from every captivity of bitterness in your heart. Don’t fall into the devil’s trap, because he will definitely send people to offend you. If you must have access to God at the place of prayer, then, completely deal with the spirit of unforgiveness. Pray for those who have wronged you because prayer is one of the best ways to break down the wall of unforgiveness in your heart. If you are holding anybody in your heart forgive them and your life will never be the same. Pray that God will always give you the grace to forgive.
O Lord, let every seed of unforgiveness in my life be consumed by fire in Jesus Name!