Give Thanks Unto The Lord

1 Chronicles 16:8-9 (KJV)

Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, Make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, Talk ye of all his wondrous works.

From our anchored Scripture, it is good for us to think of the Lord, praise Him, tell others about Him, and speak of His great wonders. This Psalm has been associated with the return of the Ark of God to Jerusalem. On that day, David first delivered this Psalm into the hand of Asaph and his brethren to thank the LORD. King David called on the people to thank the Lord while making His deeds known. This Psalm, like many others, opens with a call to praise that takes the form of a commandment. However, it is an enthusiastic exhortation to the community of God’s people to unite to praise the Lord God. King David cultivated the habit of giving thanks to the Lord, singing psalms to Him, and speaking of His wondrous works. In his life, David felt compelled to praise and give thanks to the Lord everywhere and every time. In this Psalm, he encourages all, including the unhappy, to be grateful, to let others know what God is doing in our lives and around us, to show our gratitude by being appreciative, and to remember all the marvelous works God has done in our lives. He further urges us to learn and be encouraged by the stories of people God used and dealt with in the past.

Praising God helps us to remember the marvelous and extraordinary things He has done in our lives, as well as His judgments and decisions. We are who we are in Christ because of the goodness of God. God has been so good to us. He healed, provided, delivered, restored, destroyed our enemies, and gave us victory. He has never ceased to be faithful, merciful, and kind to us, His children. If it had not been for Him on our side, the devil would have destroyed us. So, no matter how challenging our situations might be, we should remember God’s faithfulness and thank Him for His blessings. Those who come before God with thanksgiving can never live by the mercy of men. Psalm 103:1-2 says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” When we genuinely forget not the goodness of God in our lives, irrespective of the things we have not yet attained, we will not cease to appreciate God at all times. We will not have any reason to complain or murmur. The habit of never forgetting what God had done in our past encourages us to draw closer to Him, tell others about what He has done for us, show His glory to others, and offer our best service.

Beloved, the prescription for an uplifted, encouraging life still works today. Following David’s suggestions, you will count your blessings rather than your defeats and problems. Learning to praise and thank God is a good habit to cultivate. Sing to Him, praise Him, and your life will never be the same. Find time and reasons to praise and give thanks to the Lord no matter what is happening in your life. Set aside time for meditation on the good things God has done. When you have no place to turn, turn to thanksgiving! Thank the Lord for His forgiveness, blessings, promises, and all He has done and will do. In everything, give thanks! As you remember and recount the goodness of God, you will soon overcome the trials and hardships you are going through. And your tests will turn into testimonies. Today, remember God’s miracles, signs, and wonders and serve Him. Praise Him, for He is worthy to be praised.

O Lord, thank You for Your Goodness and Mercy. I will always declare all Your Goodness and Wonderful works in my life in Jesus’ Name.
