Glorifying And Praising God

Luke 2:20 (KJV) 

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

Although the significance of the birth in Bethlehem may be overlooked by humans, it is not lost on the angels. The heavenly hosts cannot remain silent and must proclaim the good news. Thus, in the fields outside Bethlehem, a divine messenger announced to the shepherds – who were likely humble and marginalized, as has been the case throughout history. Remarkably, it was the humble and unremarkable shepherds – unknown and insignificant to society – whom God had selected to bear witness and take part in the magnificent account of His redemptive plan. The shepherds, having received compelling evidence of the truth of the good news and feeling a Divine influence upon their own minds, returned to their flocks with hearts full of joy and gratitude towards God. They returned to where God had called them, but now their lives were marked by praise. Their hearts overflowed with gratitude and wonder as they shared the miraculous news of the birth of Jesus. The shepherds’ joy and awe echoed through the hills of Bethlehem, a testament to the fulfillment of God’s promise and the arrival of the long-awaited Savior. Their response to the excellent news teaches us valuable lessons: they believed without hesitation, eagerly sought out Christ, shared the good news with others, and praised God for what they saw and heard, fully trusting that everything had unfolded just as the angel had foretold.

Christmas is a time to celebrate the miracle of God becoming human through the birth of a virgin. It’s a reminder that we can all be reborn in Him and experience profound joy. By focusing on God’s ultimate atonement through His son, we can be reconciled with our Creator and experience harmony in our lives. As we celebrate this season, let’s glorify and praise God for the birth of His Only Begotten Son, for it is the season of the highest display of the love of God. The Lord finds great pleasure in the praises of those who serve Him with sincerity and devotion. It is our duty to proclaim the praises of our God, who has rescued us from the darkness and brought us into His magnificent light. Our worship should be expressed through words and reflected in our actions as we strive to glorify the Lord for all eternity. Isaiah 25:1 says, “O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.”

Beloved, this Christmas season, take a cue from the shepherds. Take time to celebrate with God the fulfillment of His plan for your life. Praise the Creator of all and the Redeemer of humanity! And, inspired by those shepherds, go a step further by glorifying and praising God. Give the gift of your presence to those around your life. Just as the shepherds showed up for Joseph and Mary, show up for others in your life. Be present in their most significant moments, share in their joys, and lend a supportive shoulder in their challenges, for sometimes, the simple act of being there can be the greatest gift. In the midst of the festive chaos, forget not the power of encouragement. Like the shepherds who brought excitement to an infant in a manger, bring encouragement to those who need it. Your words and actions can be a source of light and hope, like the dazzling radiance surrounding those shepherds on that extraordinary night. Share the good news with others that God loves them and is always there to rescue them from the blemishes of their lives. Remember, the story of Christmas is an ongoing narrative that you continue to write with your own gifts of love and grace.

O Lord, I glorify and praise You for Your wondrous works in my life in Jesus’ Name.
