God Declares Right Things

Isaiah 45:19 (KJV)

I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.

In the chaos of our world and our lives today, it is a blessing to know that God is there for those who seek Him. God assures us that He does not hide His intentions or will from us. He invites us to seek Him openly and promises that our seeking will not be in vain. This is a call to trust in His faithfulness and to confidently pursue a relationship with Him. God created us to live our lives solely for Him. The primary essence of life is to serve and worship God. Trusting and dedication to God are the most effective ways to win our warfare. God speaks righteousness and declares what is right; His words and commands are always just and true. Whatever He says is true and declares is right. His Word is as good as God Himself, but we have to believe and live the Word. Serving God is not a punishment but a life-giving experience. Living a life dedicated to God will constantly be enriched by the presence of desirable things in this world.

Pursuing God has the potential to bolster our faith and inspire us, recognizing His unwavering faithfulness and truthfulness wholeheartedly. In the face of uncertainty or doubt, we can rely on the unwavering nature of God. He does not operate in secrecy or ambiguity, and we can confidently trust in His revealed Word and take comfort in His steadfast promises. Living in the service of God means being supported by God. God is ready to address every distraction in our lives if we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to serving Him. By giving God our attention, He will address our afflictions and frustrations. 1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the LORD.” As children of God, no matter what the devil does, the solid foundation of our faith, which is built on the Word of God, will hold things together for us. We must not allow ourselves to be moved away from what is right, for there is no wasted service to God. We do not serve God in vain, for surely He will reward us accordingly for each one’s work. Our labor and hope are secure in Jesus, the Son of the Almighty God. If we are steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in His Work, we will reap in due season; if we will not faint..

Beloved, the reward of dedication to God is priceless. Seek God, and where He will position you in life will amaze you, for He has not called you to seek Him in vain. God is not distant or hidden; He is accessible and desires a close relationship with you. When you seek God, you can be assured that He will fulfill His promises and meet you where you are. In Him, you find the remedy for worry, solace for sorrow, healing for your wounds, and more than enough to compensate for your lack. Engage your heart in your devotion to God; do it for God, not for people. Do it to be elevated by God, not to be lauded by people. Decide to dedicate your life entirely to serving God, and God will take care of you. It is impossible to give God the first place in your life and come last. Rely on His guidance to lead you in the right direction, knowing His ways are perfect. Remember, the promises of God are sure, true, and right!

O Lord, thank You for Your Word and Assurance that my service to You is not in vain. I surrender my all to You in Jesus’ Name.
