God Delights In Your Praise

Psalm 51:15-16 (KJV)

O Lord, open thou my lips; And my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: Thou delightest not in burnt offering.

The psalmist joyfully proclaims that genuine worship transcends mere external rituals like sacrifices or burnt offerings. It highlights the profound joy and fulfillment that comes from a heartfelt expression of praise to God. It’s not the outward acts that bring Him delight, but the inner surrender and devotion. David acknowledges that true worship and praise flow from a heart that has been purified. He longs for God to empower him to speak words of praise and thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30-31 declares, “I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. This also shall bring joy to the Lord more than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.” God is overjoyed when we are thankful; hence, it does not matter who is displeased with us. Our thanksgiving and praise bring God joy and secure our lives. It is a great source of joy to us that humble and thankful praise is more pleasing to God than the most costly, self-important sacrifices. God created us for the joy of receiving our praises.

Our unbiased and un-quantifiable praises must always go to God. Psalm 22:3 says, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” God is present and glorified when His people lift His Name in honor. He enjoys it and draws nearer to us in praise. Praising and giving God thanks brings Him to the center of our lives. One of the most effective tools that shift our emotions during the dark season is to praise the Name of God with a song. It has the power to transport us from the pit of complaint and despair to a realm of the highest praise. It prompts God into instant action, changing our spiritual climate and manifesting His Presence. Praise will bring God’s Power down into our situations and give us the needed victory. The Apostle Paul is a great example; he chose to praise in a difficult circumstance. God had given Paul a vision and told him to go to Philippi. But shortly after arriving, he was arrested, beaten, and imprisoned. However, he and Silas praised God despite a painful situation (Acts 16:1-40). In times of frustration or mistreatment, we have the power to respond with gratitude and praise to God. When dealing with anger, sadness, and other deep emotions, worship and soak in God’s truth by giving Him praise and thanks. It will empower us to proclaim God’s truth over our circumstances.

Beloved, the choice to praise God and give Him thanks is crucial in bringing you victory because it will please Him more than a sacrifice. In times of problems and trials, it is essential to cultivate the attitude of praise and thanksgiving. Sing to the Lord and give Him thanks. As you sing to the Lord, you will shift your focus from your defeats, trials, and problems to your blessings. As you magnify and praise the Lord, He will become your defense as your faith strengthens. Today, take some time to thank and praise God for all things. Choose to be thankful and praiseful for all things and at all times. Declare the goodness and glory of the Lord, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. As you praise and thank Him, trust that He will hear and respond to you with grace upon grace. Remember, praise and thanksgiving will prevent the enemy from dethroning you because it is not possible for God to be overthrown.

O Lord, I connect to Your grace to praise You at all times and in all things in Jesus’ Name.
