God Directs His Children

Isaiah 48:17(KJV)

Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.

Isaiah clearly states that a lifestyle of gain is readily available to us if we obediently follow the Lord our God. We also understand from the Scriptures that God is ever ready and committed to offering direction to as many as are willing to be led. God leads by instruction, which is the highway to manifestation and distinction. Understanding His leadership will land us in our high places and path in destiny. Wherever God is taking us, we can be rest assured that we are heading for a glorious future. Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Our confidence in our decisions is greatly enhanced when we allow God to lead us, as His omniscience and wisdom surpass our self-awareness. Following His guidance yields the most favorable outcomes in every aspect of our lives.

The faithfulness of the Lord in providing guidance is evident through His promise to instruct and illuminate the path for us. His instructions are designed to influence our cognition, emotion, and behavior, leading us to make the best life decisions. Maximizing our potential hinges on understanding and following God’s guidance, as He has endowed us with tremendous potential. Regrettably, some individuals fail to realize their potential due to their refusal to follow the Creator’s guidance, causing significant dismay to God. Many people experience daily losses simply because they have not trusted the direction of the Almighty God, who knows everything (Proverbs 3:5- 6). Many have disqualified themselves from getting God’s best by relying on their skills and knowledge, leading them into great falls. Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Those who follow God’s instructions and warnings are spared the waste of unnecessary wandering and ruin.

Beloved, seeking directions from God shows how important you place Him in your life. Until that phrase becomes your daily confession, you are yet to be led by our Creator. Refuse to live a life without instruction from the Lord. God longs to guide you daily into the incredible plans He has for you. He longs to direct you into abundant peace, joy, and purpose. As His sheep, you must acknowledge the leadership of our Shepherd and trust in His guidance. Tune your ears to the frequency of God’s Spirit and listen to whatever He would say to you. Although there are uncertain times, rely more on God, for no matter how uncertain things may seem, God still has His Eye on you. He knows what is best for you. He will direct your path to lead you to greatness. You may not always see what’s ahead, but know that He’s instructing you and teaching you the way you should go! He’s promised not to leave you nor forsake you. Stay And Walk With Him! Move At His Pace! Even When The Storms Seem To Rage, Don’t Panic! Get A Word From God Before Any Action! Never Move Until He Moves! Never Rest Until He Rests! Enough of frustration and stagnation! Put aside your expertise and go for Divine Direction. Today, speak to Him and trust Him, for He will direct you to your place of profit. Remember, His promise of guidance is a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

O Lord, guide me throughout the day that You have made and teach me to be a good follower in Jesus’ Name.
