God Fills An Opened Mouth

Psalm 81:10(KJV)

I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

From the anchored Scripture, we have to open our mouths wide, while God’s job is to confirm our words and fill them. As children of God, we are to open our mouths wide so that God can fill them. We can’t expect God’s Goodness with our mouths closed; we must speak boldly in the Lord. We cannot experience Divine Supply with our mouths closed. Every closed mouth stands to be oppressed, afflicted, and tormented because God can’t confirm what we will not declare. Numbers 14:28 says, “Now tell them this: As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very things I heard you say.” Whatever God hears us say is what His Hand will perform for us. God’s Hand will never perform for us wondrous things than what we say into His Ears. Our declaration delivers our salvation; likewise, what comes out of the mouth opens the door of supernatural supply.

The children of God have empowered tongues that guarantees victory in the battles of life(James 3:6). Likewise, our victory over sin is impossible with a closed mouth. There is power in our tongues to ward off every force of hell that may want to enforce unrighteousness and defilement on our lives. Jabez’s life was full of pain, dishonor, lack, and shame. His foundation and the name his mother gave him did not help the matter either. However, he opened his mouth wide, cried to God, and God filled it. God answered him and changed his story by enlarging his coast. He changed from a miserable Jabez to an honorable Jabez(1 Chronicles 4:10). The same God who changed Jabez’s story will change yours positively in Jesus’ Name. When Jacob saw his life situation, he decided to open his mouth to God to bless him. He forcefully fought it out at the place of prayer(Genesis 32:24). No wonder Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Take note the Scripture says ask, and we shall receive.

Beloved, open your mouth wide to change your destiny. Destiny changes when responsibility for change is accepted. When you make up your mind for change to occur, open your mouth about it, then the change will happen. Today, open your mouth wide to expect God’s Goodness, and you won’t be disappointed. Trust that God is working behind the scenes, for He is Faithful to His Word. Remember, anything you say becomes established, so open your mouth and talk big. As you boast in the Lord, He will boost you till you overtake in life.

O Lord, I come to You today, humbly asking You to fill my mouth with Your Goodness in Jesus’ Name.
