Is God Pleased

Luke 3:22 (KJV)

And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

Jesus’ baptism by John was a significant moment in the history of salvation, marked by the power of prayer and God’s approval of His Son. Our anchor Scripture shows how God was pleased with His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus was all out to do His Father’s bidding, and God Himself testified of Him, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.” God is the Owner and the Giver of life, and the purpose God gives us life is to please and glorify Him. God created us to give Him pleasure with our lives; we are not to live totally to please ourselves. Living to please God is a lifestyle of holiness, joy, happiness, satisfaction, sacrificial giving, prayer, praise, and worship to God. Revelation 4:11 says, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure, they are and were created.” In whatever area of service we find ourselves, recognize that we are to render that service to the Lord(Ephesians 6:7). Our focus should be on Heaven’s testimony about us and not what people think. When pleasing the Lord is our main motive in Christian service, we will always be concerned with how the Lord feels about our service. 

The primary focus of Christian living and service should be to please the Lord. God is pleased when we act in obedience to His commandments. When we live according to the revealed will of God, He confirms His acceptance and approval. As children of God, Heaven must affirm our claims that we belong to God and are His ambassadors on earth, just as He testified to the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ by speaking from Heaven and demonstrating His Power through Him. To be acceptable to God as beloved sons or daughters is not an easy task. It requires total submission to the Will of God and obedience to His Commandments, and it translates to living our lives to please God in all ramifications. As Christians, we do not live to please society or the devil; we only live to please God, our Maker. Many are more interested in pleasing man than God. They bring agony to God by their lifestyles; they live to please a man and disobey God. Some people go to church or do things for God to receive the recommendation of men; we cannot but pity their lack of understanding. Others are ready to please God when the price is affordable, cheap, or convenient. Remember, the whole world may approve of us, but God may disapprove of us due to our lifestyle. It is disastrous when God disapproves of anyone, so live to please Him alone. 

Beloved, can God call you this day, my beloved son or daughter in whom I am well pleased? How does God feel about your conduct? Are you giving God pleasure with your life or causing Him pain? Is God proud of you or ashamed of you? The truth is your life is either giving God excitement or causing Him embarrassment; your life is either a source of pleasure or pain to Him. Today, seek the testimonial of Heaven, and your struggles to make it in life will become a thing of the past. If you are serving Him, serve Him well because you are either for Him or not. Be more serious with God in this season and beyond. Be on fire for Him because when it comes to the things of God, you cannot be lukewarm. Make holiness your lifestyle and dedicate yourself to God in true worship, submitting yourself totally to His Will. Live not as a sin-ridden son of fallen man but as a reborn child of the Most High God. The Bible says Jesus Christ received from God the Father honor and glory(2 Peter 1:17). I pray that by serving Him faithfully, you will also receive honor and glory in the Name of Jesus.

O Lord, thank You for Your Word today. Help me not cause You pain with my lifestyle, but give me the grace to bring You pleasure and excitement in Jesus’ Name.
