God Will Instruct, Teach And Guide Us

Psalm 32:8(KJV)

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

Psalm 32 beautifully illustrates the profound, personal relationship between us, believers, and our Living God. Unlike a human father, God intimately understands our lives and the deep longings of our souls. The scripture highlights that God’s guidance through His instructions is the key to our growth and individuality. When God speaks, it is for our correction, reproof, and rebuke to align us with His purpose. Psalm 143:8 says, “Let me hear Your loving devotion in the morning, for I have put my trust in You. Teach me the way I should walk, for to You I lift up my soul.” The Lord’s Promise to us is that He will teach us what we should do and show us the path we should take. We can find comfort in the fact that He is actively involved in our concerns, joys, and triumphs. He knows what is best for our lives. Isaiah 48:17 says, “Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.”

In life, we may never fully comprehend everything that happens. Instead of striving for complete understanding, we should focus on seeking God’s leading in every situation. God always has a purpose for our lives, regardless of our circumstances. When we discern God’s purpose, we align ourselves with His will and gain clarity on the paths to take and choices to make. Following these paths and making these choices will lead us to the miraculous blessings God has in store for us. In other words, knowing what God wants us to do and doing it with our lives is the best thing to happen to us. It is a significant secret to maximizing our lives. Many people are struggling in life because they lack direction. Many people have disqualified themselves from getting God’s best by relying on their skills and knowledge. His Word says, “I will guide you with my eye.” When the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness, they were accompanied by the mighty and faithful God who led and guided them. Despite its uncertainty, the wilderness can lead us to our promised land as long as God leads us. Without Divine direction, we are vulnerable to disaster, limited progress, frustration, and lack of dominion. Divine direction was the secret of David’s exploits throughout his lifetime. Following God’s instructions and warnings spares us from unnecessary wandering and ruin. God will show us the way as we trust in the instruction of His Word. Psalm 27:11 says, “Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me on a level path, because of my oppressors.”

Beloved, the Lord is faithful to guide you on the right path. He promises He will teach you what to do and show you the way. So, refuse to live a life without God’s guidance. Passionately ask God to direct you in all areas of life, for He is watching over you and wants to give you advice every step. He’s concerned with your goal in life. He wants to see your character develop, mature, and grow in understanding and faith. Although there are uncertain times, rely more on God, for no matter how uncertain things may seem, God still has His Eye on you. You may not always see what is ahead, but know that He’s instructing and teaching you in the way you should go! Stand firm and walk with God! Move at His pace! Even when the storms rage, stay calm! Seek guidance from God before taking any action. Do not move until He moves, or do not rest until He rests. Put aside your expertise and go for Divine Direction. Embrace uncertainty, for the Lord will guide you in the right direction and protect you as you walk in His ways. Remember, God has promised never to leave you nor forsake you.

O LORD, thank You for teaching, guiding, and directing me. Instruct, teach and guide my life according to Your purposes and plans in Jesus’ Name.
