God’s Secret Is With The Righteous

Proverbs 3:32 (KJV)

For the froward is abomination to the Lord: but his secret is with the righteous.

This verse clearly outlines two distinct paths in life: one rooted in righteousness and the other in perversity. It powerfully illustrates that God detests deceit and dishonesty, while He highly values integrity and uprightness. When we walk in truth and righteousness, we align ourselves with God’s will and purpose. It is apparent throughout the Scriptures that the secrets of God are with the righteous. The ability to see and hear from God can all be found in the righteous man. Obeying God’s instructions and fulfilling His Assignments on earth unlocks access to Divine Secrets. When we commit to living a godly life in accordance with His guidance, God begins to share His profound truths with us. After testing our commitment, love, and loyalty, He elevates our relationship by revealing deeper insights. Psalm 25:14 says, “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.” We can only truly know God through the reverent fear that governs our lives, as the secrets of the Lord are revealed to those who honor Him, and He discloses His Covenant to them. Ultimately, it is the redeemed who possess access to the mysteries of God.

The ungodly are simply unable to perceive the profound truths of God. These insights are beyond the reach of human reasoning, extensive study, privileged backgrounds, or any form of enchantment. God’s power remains hidden from the ungodly, who are blind to His ways. His divine plans are concealed from the watchful eyes of unbelievers, false prophets, pagan individuals, and those who reject His Name. While sin has placed an irreversible and irreconcilable barrier between God and mankind, in His grace, He has made His secret thoughts known to those who trust Him and revealed things hidden from the ungodly. By choosing to live righteously and obey God’s commands, we can experience His intimate friendship and guidance, assuring us of His righteous and just nature. When we prioritize our commitment and dedication to God, we gain insight into His secrets and establish a profound friendship with Him. This is our true calling on earth, and embracing it without hesitation allows us to experience the fullness of His Presence. Genesis 18:17 says, “And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;” Abraham’s righteous life before God made it easy for Him to reveal His plans regarding Sodom and Gomorrah. Sadly, many Christians today prioritize parties, financial gain, and career ambitions over their relationship with the Creator, leaving them unaware of God’s divine secrets. However, when we earnestly commit to living for God, He opens up a world of knowledge and insight, showing us all He desires to share. There is nothing He won’t disclose to those who seek Him wholeheartedly.

Beloved, the secrets of the Lord are beyond your human understanding, for His secrets guide you into all truth through His Spirit and teach all things. The secret of God stops battles and gives victory to the righteous, so strive to live a transparent and true life, even when no one is watching. Live an upright life as you earn God’s trust, and He will take you into His confidence, guiding you and revealing His will. When you fear God, there are things He will show you that He won’t show others who don’t fear Him. So don’t let any ungodly person tell you God showed them something about your life. Today, abide in God’s Presence and spend quality time with God to have direct contact with His Secrets. Live a sin-free life and in the fear of the Lord. Hate any form of evil around your life or in your environment. Seek strength from God to make righteous decisions and to build a trustworthy relationship with Him. Remember, God doesn’t reveal His secrets to the unbeliever or someone living in sin, so do not let anyone who is not living right before God come to you with any ignoramus dream.

O LORD, help me to live a committed and dedicated life to You, shunning anything that goes against the principles of righteousness in Jesus’ Name.
