Psalm 147:5 (KJV)
Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.
The Psalmist unequivocally affirms that God possesses unparalleled power and wisdom that surpass all understanding. This great power, coupled with God’s limitless understanding, is beyond human comprehension. We also understand that God is the source of all power in Heaven and on earth. The Almighty God is the Most Powerful and Influential; He can do what no earthly or demonic being can do. Our God has unlimited power and resources. Through His Power, He does wonders as He chooses. The Power of God is one of the most prized assets any human being can have on earth because it takes the Power of God to win the battles of life. When God’s Power begins to flow through us, it goes far beyond us. It causes our enemies to surrender. Psalm 62:11 says, “Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.” In God’s infinite wisdom and power, He does as He pleases, for He is God, and all power belongs to Him Alone. We serve an awesome God with tremendous power over all things. There is nothing in this world that is outside the power of God.
The Power of God is superior to all other powers any day. Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:19-21 that God’s power is exceedingly great towards us, far above all principalities, powers and might, and dominion, and every name named, not only in this world but also in what is to come. With our God, there are no limits. Entering the supernatural, we remove all limits and renew our minds with the truth that God is not a man. He can do anything, for there is nothing beyond Him! The awesomeness of God is made manifest in situations tagged impossible by man. However, we often find ourselves leaning on our own strengths in order to gain recognition and respect from others. We strive to be perceived as strong rather than weak, independent rather than dependent, and self-sufficient rather than needy. We desire to be achievers, creators, healers, and heroes. Nonetheless, unlike human strength, which is limited and can fail, God’s power is abundant and never exhausted. We must acknowledge that everything we have and everything good we do is ultimately derived from God working through us. Jeremiah 10:12 says, “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.”
Beloved, all power belongs to God and not the devil. He is unique in power, wisdom, and understanding. Engage Him in any battle or confrontation, for when God is on your side, you are More than Conqueror. Today, undoubtedly, things are happening in your life that you can’t explain or control. But God can. Whatever you’re looking for, God knows where to find it. Whatever you’re trying to understand, God understands it fully. God is present in all things, and He’s there for every problem and every need. He has all the power and wisdom you require, and His love drives Him to act on your behalf. He’ll never misinterpret your needs or confuse your situation with someone else’s. His power is unmatched, and His understanding is limitless. In His all-knowing nature, He understands everything from start to finish, and in His all-powerful nature, He can do everything for you because He loves you. Recognizing God’s greatness should lead you to depend on Him more fully. Regardless of the situation, it is essential to maintain unwavering faith and praise God for all things. Your existence is not just for establishing a connection with the Creator of the universe but also to rely on Him for all your necessities. By surrendering your will to His and entrusting all your worries at the foot of the Cross, you can be assured that He will address all your concerns. Remember, God’s power is beyond measure, His understanding is limitless, and He knows everything about you and your circumstances.
O Lord, thank You for Your great power and infinite understanding. Help me to walk in Your great power in Jesus’ Name.