Greater Love

John 15:13(KJV)

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

At the heart of the Christian faith lies the theme of love, which is an essential element of God’s very nature. Love is the driving force behind all of God’s actions, no matter how challenging it may seem to us. This selfless love serves as the foundation for all of God’s endeavors and speaks to the deep bond between us who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for one another’s benefit. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Our Lord Jesus Christ sets the perfect example of a life of impact. His selfless act of dying on the cross expresses the ultimate form of love that we should all strive to embody. As Jesus commanded His disciples to love each other, we, too, are commanded to love one another. Love is not an option but a divine obligation we owe our Maker and neighbors. We are all beneficiaries of His great love, and it is our duty to share this love with others.

Within the pages of the Bible, one can find an abundance of inspiring verses and passages centered around the concept of love. King Solomon poetically describes love as a burning fire, a powerful flame that cannot be extinguished or swept away by even the mightiest of waters. Love is truly a remarkable force, radiating warmth and encompassing all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. Romans 15:1-3 says, “15:1-3 says, “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself ……….” We cannot express our love for anyone in a glorious way other than being willing to die for them. By dying, we are sacrificing everything we have for another’s sake. When we lay down our lives, we live to please God instead of ourselves. We are to have the same love for each other as Jesus has for us. It is the type of love willing to give everything, including our own lives. Now, we are invited into the family of God to love and be loved. And as we pour Christ’s unimaginable love into others, the world will glimpse Him. In other words, if we sincerely love one another, we will give the very best of ourselves, just as Jesus did for us.

Beloved, live with the commitment to abide in love, for dwelling in love is dwelling in God, and God in you. Living in love guarantees a life of greatness, dominion, excellence, health, and ceaseless victories. Follow Christ’s example by putting others first, for love is all that matters in eternity. Sacrificing for the one you love will be a pleasure, and no price is too high to pay. Move beyond hurt and lay down your life for others. Esteem the needs and well-being of others, and live a life that positively impacts society. Let go of your desires and choose to live a life of love. Today, impact your world by giving out love and laying down your life for one another. As you celebrate Valentine’s Day today, consider beyond your love for your spouse or children by loving God and all humanity. I desire that you will know more of God’s love today than yesterday, and tomorrow will be a new opportunity to experience more of His unending, amazing, eternal love. Remember, charity allows you to touch other lives, promote peace, forgive, and comfort others.

O LORD, help me not waste my life but use it for the benefit of humanity. Help me follow Your example and lay down my life for others in Jesus’ Name.
