Guard Your Thought

Proverbs 23:7(KJV)

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

Our anchor scripture reveals that God’s power in us works according to the thought of our hearts. It is unto every one according to their conviction and faith. For this reason, we are what we think. The principal word in this verse is THINK. Most of the battles we face in our life start in our minds. It is the first place the enemy will attack. What we think determines whether we win or lose our battles against satan. This principle of thinking is easily seen in our world today. We can tell who is properly operating on this principle in the way the Lord has intended for us to work with it and who is not. Our thinking and our hearts are inseparably linked. What or how we think affects our heart. Likewise, the condition of our hearts affects our thinking. We act out the state of our hearts through our works, for our actions and lives resemble what we think. What we imagine in our hearts, in turn, affects our actions. The truth is, no one can stop us from thinking. While the ability to think makes us human, it actually goes deeper. Our thoughts become a reflection of who we really are. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”

The heart and mind, where our thoughts reside, represent our invisible, inner person. Everything we are flows out of their heart. We are who we are, and our minds determine our moral character. Whatever comes to our mind somehow affects us physically. The more we think and believe in failure, the more we will attract failure, but thinking of increase and fruitfulness brings them. The truth is the mind is the central station of our life. The mind is vital to any transformation because it is the door to our thoughts. In other words, our minds need to be renewed for our lives to see any form of change. We must see ourselves the way God sees us from the pages of the Scriptures before functioning effectively. There is a belief that what goes on inside our minds is what we become in life. To have a quality life and destiny, we focus on our minds. When the mind is changed, life is changed. Ephesians 4:23–24 says, “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” The transformation of our minds to the standards of God makes every other change our lives would need. Renewing our minds attracts positive and good things. 

Beloved, your thoughts affect your atmosphere, and your atmosphere determines your attraction. What you think inside is what you become outside. Things happen to you according to your established thoughts. If you think good or evil, it will come to pass. Whenever you are afraid, the devil will put things in front of you that will make you more afraid. The more you think of success, victory, joy, and peace, the more you experience it. You are a product of your thoughts; your thoughts become your words and actions. You can mask the outside to others or try to bury it in the world around you. But, eventually, what’s in your heart will reveal who you are. Today, believe in God for the impossible and to renew your mind with good thoughts. Keep your mindset on God’s faithfulness as God often chooses the unlikely and even the impossible from a human standpoint to accomplish His purpose. As a Christian, you have God Almighty Himself on your side to help you take on any storm that may come your way in this life. So, start your day with thoughts of hope and success. Learn how to develop correct thinking in your thought process. Determine to live a victorious life and ask God to give you the mind and heart to live in victory. In life, watch your thoughts because they become words. Watch your words because they become actions. Watch your actions because they become habits. Watch your habits because they become character. Watch your character because it becomes your destiny. Remember, you are a product of your thoughts.

O LORD, I receive the grace to connect to Your Thought in Jesus’ Name.
