Deuteronomy 7:9(ESV)
Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.
We learn from Scriptures that God keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations. In his speech to the Israelites before entering the promised land, Moses hammered home this point that the LORD our God is indeed God and a covenant-keeping God. He is faithful to His promises and committed to His covenant to a thousand generations. That is, God does not only keep covenant with His immediate covenant allies but also with their succeeding generations. And this has been proven many times in Scriptures and throughout all ages.
The wonder of God’s Faithfulness and Mercy are found in His attributes and dealings with mankind, especially His chosen people. Although man has been utterly ungrateful, betraying and disobedient, He has undeservedly not changed His attitude nor withdrawn His love towards His people. We are to know without fear or favor that the Lord our God is a covenant keeping God. His promises to us stand sure and His covenant to a thousand generations. Exodus 20:6 says “but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.” God keeps every promise until the end of time to those who love Him and are willing to obey His commandments. That is why believers need to live a life that is acceptable to God, Because the life we live can make it easier or harder for the people after us. By living a life of righteousness, obedience and excellence, we are leaving a mark for our future generations. What we do must be done in awareness that it is done before and for God. It is written in Genesis 17:7 “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.”
Beloved, understand your role in the covenant and play that role to the best of your ability. Live a life of total obedience to God from today, so your children can enjoy God’s blessings for generations to come. Teach them the ways of God and never leave the duty of imparting biblical values in the hands of the society or schools. The home should be their first Church where they learn about the love of God and how to reverence Him. Keep doing everything that is expected of you by God for as long as it takes to see desired results. And if you do this, no one including the devil can stop you from seeing what God wants you to see. Remember, God is faithful to strengthen and protect you, faithful to provide and meet you at the point of your needs and faithful to keep you in peace. You can count on a loving Father who sent His Son to demonstrate His love to you.
O Lord, thank You for keeping Your Covenant with me. Help me, by Your Spirit, to live a life that honors You in Jesus’ Name.