Hear Instructions

Proverbs 8:33 (KJV)

Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.

The forces of societal influence, human nature, and temptation often lead us to believe that following instructions will result in a loss. In reality, learning is the skill and decision to heed guidance from others. The cultivation of our character, the establishment of our reputation, our current life circumstances, and our future prospects are all contingent upon our adherence to and execution of instructions. As we enter this world without knowledge, all our learning comes from external sources. While many oppose the idea of being uninformed and needing instruction, wise individuals embrace this process. The act of receiving instruction brings about significant advantages. Throughout our journey, we encounter numerous opportunities for personal development and education. By actively listening, we expose ourselves to valuable insights that can profoundly influence our trajectory. The hallmark of wisdom lies in the capacity to adhere to straightforward directives. Proverbs 19:20 says, “Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.”  

The relevance of instruction to life and destiny fulfillment cannot be exaggerated. Instruction is key to destiny fulfillment; it shows one the pathway to destiny. In life, receiving instruction is unavoidable, and we are strongly encouraged in God’s Word to seek good counsel. To be successful in anything, we need wise counsel. No door can close against anyone who listens to advice and accepts instruction. In this life, it is not the knowledge of instruction that produces results but obedience to it. The truth is, to hear instructions is to be wise. Our inability to be instructed leaves us vulnerable and unprotected. Instruction prevents destruction and eliminates failure in life and destiny. Sometimes, individuals experience failure not due to a lack of knowledge but because they fail to follow straightforward instructions. Many are afflicted or have died for failing to obey a direction. King Saul lost the throne when he worked his desires into the instruction given to him by Prophet Samuel. Had King Saul feared God, he would not have compromised the instructions given to him by Prophet Samuel. So, the fear of the Lord will keep us from compromising any instructions for the pursuit of personal gain. Hebrews 12:25 says, “See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:”

Beloved, settle down to be instructed to fulfill your destiny, for being open to instructions is about growth and maturity, leading to a more insightful and wise journey through life. It is the instruction that averts destruction. Your continuity and stability are connected to your obedience to instructions. Nothing exposes a man to danger like foolishness, for lacking instructions is foolishness. Your preservation is at the mercy of your wisdom and instructions; the shortage of instructions can cut life short. To be under clear direction and command guarantees a solid destiny. Anyone too big to be instructed and directed is too little to fulfill destiny. Humble yourself to be instructed because pride and arrogance will make you miss your way, wasting time and energy. Refusing instructions will take you to the wrong destination. Today, God is ready to speak to you if you will obey His instructions because He does not waste His dictates. So, ask God for specific instructions regarding your expectations for supernatural supplies. Remember, until your ear can hear what God is saying, your hand cannot handle what He is giving.

O Lord, I reject the lifestyle of pride and arrogance that hinders instruction. I receive the grace to obey instructions in Jesus’ Name.
