He’s With You

Isaiah 41:10(KJV)

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

The Lord’s promises are always reliable and trustworthy. He commands us to be courageous and not to fear, for He is our God and always with us. Because of His divine presence, we can be confident in our ability to endure every trial, suffering, persecution, and affliction. Our God is an All-powerful Being who can aid, obstruct, empower, weaken, and create success or failure. His divine assistance is the ultimate remedy for all the anxieties of life, assuring that our fears will never overpower us. Today’s message conveys a message of great comfort and hope. The Scripture assures us that God is always there to help us and that He has made some powerful promises to His children. Whenever we feel afraid, God promises to give us strength, help, and support us with His Mighty Right Hand. He also promises to put to shame and humiliate all those who try to harm us and to make those who war against us nothing. He has promised to perform great signs and wonders in our lives so that people may see and know that the Hand of the Lord has turned around our situation and given us beauty for ashes.

The God with no limits is omnipresent and always available to help us when we reach the end of our rope. With His infinite power, He gives us the strength to overcome all obstacles and challenges. Like the saints of old, we are expected to build our confidence in the sure promises of God. In his affliction, King David said, “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2), revealing his confidence’s source. Know that the Almighty God is our Only Help as His children. He is very present Help in times of need (Psalm 46:1). If the Almighty God cannot help us in our adversity, no “mighty man” or devil can help us, so look up to God for our help. When the Lord sees that we TRUST Him to be our only source of help, He will arise and help us. There is no storm that God won’t carry us through. No bridge that God won’t help us cross. With His mighty power, God supports and sustains us. When our strength fails us and we fall, the loving Lord extends His mighty right hand to lift us. As long as we confidently know that God is with us, we can boldly proclaim, “I am not afraid; my God is ever with me! I am anxious for nothing; the Lord is my God!” Let us take comfort in knowing that our Lord is always with us and will never forsake us.

Beloved, I have come to reassure you this day that our help comes from God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. God is always eager to help you. He loves you and doesn’t want you to endure your trials alone. You might be going through some troubles and looking to family or friends for help. Do not look anymore, for the help of man is useless and just an arm of flesh. It is foolish to believe that men, irrespective of their power and influence, can help you out of trouble. Fear not, don’t be dismayed, for God is with you and will strengthen you. He is your Helper. No battle that He won’t help you win. No heartache that God won’t help you let go of. God is so much bigger than anything you will face today. Leave everything in His Hands and embrace this day confidently, knowing He will care for you. To access the help of God, you need to look absolutely to God as your Source (Psalm 121:1) and not on your wisdom or personal abilities. Depend on God wholly for His Help in all areas of your life. The Lord will help you! The Lord will fight for you! From now on, you are moving from your point of weakness and vulnerability to a point of power and strength! Today might be challenging for you, but remember that you have a powerful and mighty God by your side. With Him, you can overcome any trial that comes your way!

O LORD, I ask for Your Help every day of my life. Give me the grace to look unto You daily for help in Jesus’ Name.
