Hold Fast To Righteousness

Job 27:6 (KJV)

My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.

Job unequivocally asserts his steadfast commitment to integrity, even amidst adversity, underscoring the paramount significance of righteousness as the bedrock of his unwavering resolve. His persistent dedication to upholding integrity is a compelling example, prompting introspection regarding our convictions and steadfast trust in the divine, particularly in trying circumstances. Job’s righteousness was pivotal in shaping his enduring destiny, underscoring the profound influence of unwavering integrity. With respect to Christian doctrine, integrity is the quality of honesty and adherence to strong moral principles that anchor our way of life. It involves consistently doing the right thing in all circumstances, regardless of potential consequences, and without being influenced by external factors such as the presence of others or changing emotions. As Christians, we are called to live according to unwavering conviction and principles, independent of fluctuating circumstances or societal trends. Our primary aim, as believers, is to lead an authentic life devoid of any semblance of insincerity or hypocrisy. 2 Corinthians 1:12 says, “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward.”

Our commitment to God will come at a cost; we will face loss, suffering, and opposition, but we must be willing to stand firm for our faith, even when it’s uncomfortable or unpopular. As we appreciate light in the darkness, our righteousness or integrity is most appreciated anywhere, especially where evil prevails. It is a doorway to destiny fulfillment and a secret of a successful life. Our lives count, but not without righteousness. Therefore, know that our righteousness speaks louder than our voice! When we recognize that we are working for God rather than just serving human interests, our focus shifts toward pleasing God. As a result, we naturally conduct ourselves truthfully and fairly in our interactions with others. Charles Reade once said, “Sow an act, and we reap a habit. Sow a habit, and we reap a character. Sow a character, and we reap a destiny.” Building character and guarding it is easier than rebuilding it after losing it. Dishonesty may provide instant gratification but will never last, and it has deadly consequences. Proverbs 20:17 says, “Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; But afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.”

Beloved, make up your mind to maintain solid righteousness to fulfill destiny. Without exception, you must demonstrate integrity in all your endeavors because everything righteous begins and ends with God. Stand for the truth and live a life devoid of offense towards God and man. Like Job, you, too, can find strength in trusting God’s truth, even when circumstances challenge you. Let your conscience be captive to God’s Word. Avoid anyone without integrity. Because if you surround yourself with the dishonest and those willing to cut corners to get ahead, you will find yourself enduring, accepting, and finally adopting their behavior. No matter what is happening in your life or what the world may be doing, you have to keep doing what is right. Always have your hands clean! Finally, when you feel most tempted to indulge in self-destructive behavior, open the Bible, find inspiration in verses on righteousness, and pray to God for His Guidance. Keep your faith strong as you walk with God in these final days! Remember, the value of the trust others have in you goes beyond anything measured because it has its rewards.

O Lord, help me to be zealous for righteousness. Give me the grace to resist the temptation to defile my conscience, not to lose my destiny in Jesus’ Name.
