Hope In God

Psalm 42:11 (KJV) 

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

King David boldly declares he shall praise God, who is the health of his countenance. He encourages us to put our hope in God, even in the midst of pain and discouragement. Becoming low in life is one of the deadliest enemies of destiny, fostering oppression and opening the door for the devil to wreak havoc on our lives. However, the words in this Psalm remind us that fully placing our trust in God, even in the midst of oppression and troubles, can be transformative. The Psalmist needed to praise God to lift the burden upon His heart. God is great, even when life is not. Praising Him in the valleys of life is the key to our transformation! God is the true source of strength and hope for our salvation despite our difficulties. His instructions lead us through dark valleys, His promises give hope, and His attributes provide comfort and assurance in the face of uncertainty.

In the face of adversity, it’s crucial to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Lord and maintain unwavering trust in the greater purpose at play. Regardless of the challenges we encounter, whether professionally or personally, it is imperative to uphold hope and express gratitude towards God. By recognizing the presence of the Lord in all events, we can find solace and fortitude. This knowledge that everything unfolds as part of a larger, meticulously orchestrated plan is a source of comfort. It is through embracing disappointment and adversity that we can truly understand and appreciate the guiding hand of the Lord, knowing that all events are intricately woven into a grand plan. So, praising Him should happen in the hard days just as much as in the easy days, for it brings out the Greatness of God. Praising God in the hard days of life is where most eternal changes happen, and He is fearful in praise. Psalm 34:1 says, “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” To every restless, troubled, battered, weighed down, depressed, stressed, frustrated, sorrowful, hopeless, burdened, hungered, and thirsty soul, come to Jesus, praising the Almighty God, for rest is available.

Beloved, don’t wait till all is well with you before you will hope in God and praise Him. If the devil wants you to cry, do the opposite by laughing. If he wants you to mourn, dance. As people of faith, we have a faithful God who never fails! Today, acknowledge Him by giving Him all the praise and glory, for in His Presence, He will bring you help. Like David, you must foster the discipline of turning to God and recognizing His Presence in your life, especially when you feel the burden and stresses of life. Don’t give in to despair! Praise Him and remind yourself of God’s goodness and love. Talk to Him, and He will meet your needs. When you praise Him, He’ll lead you in paths of love, light, and joy, where you will find new hope. As a cherished child of God, you confidently acknowledge the unyielding care and unconditional love that the Lord bestows upon you. His unwavering benevolence empowers you to embrace profound freedom. This truth should unmistakably elevate your countenance! Trust in God’s promise for your future. A day of praise is on the horizon, and the presence of the Lord will be your ultimate help. Rest assured, God has promised to be with you forever. Remember, after praising Him, you’ll experience a lift in your spirit and begin to see things in a different light.

O Lord, help me to find strength and direction as I place my hope in You in Jesus’ Name.
