Incline Your Ears To Wisdom

Proverbs 2:1-2 (KJV)

My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding.

In today’s fast-paced environment, chasing quick solutions and instant gratification is common. However, the referenced Scripture powerfully asserts that true wisdom demands intentionality and a commitment to learning. Embracing and valuing wise teachings is essential; it requires us to remain open to growth and to approach knowledge with humility. This mindset fosters spiritual development and equips us with deeper insights and wisdom crucial for navigating life effectively. Embracing wisdom demands active listening. It’s insufficient to merely hear the words; we must engage with them purposefully, truly absorbing and reflecting on their meaning. This can involve meditating on Scripture, seeking valuable counsel, or honing our attentiveness in daily interactions. By fully committing to this process, we unlock deeper insights and growth. Applying our hearts to understanding means fully embracing and implementing wisdom in our lives. It’s about internalizing the lessons we’ve learned and allowing them to guide our actions and decisions with conviction. This commitment involves a daily practice of mindfulness and intentionality, ensuring that we consistently live out our values and principles with purpose.

True wisdom demands that we not only accept what is taught but also recognize its intrinsic value. Like a dedicated student, we actively pursue and internalize wisdom, embracing it as an essential companion that navigates us through the complexities and challenges of life. Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Unsurprisingly, wisdom is regarded as a priceless treasure, sought after by many and valued by those fortunate enough to attain it. By applying wisdom and understanding within a structured framework, we can confidently stay on our path and achieve our goals. Every one of us reaches a pivotal moment in our lives where we must establish the guiding principles that will shape our journey. Embracing the Word of the Lord is essential; we must internalize its truths and allow them to influence who we are deeply. Those who wholeheartedly accept His Word and cherish His commands will find that they not only adorn us like a crown but also act as a formidable shield against the temptations and folly of the world. Committing ourselves to God’s teachings and embedding them deeply within our hearts establishes a strong foundation for making sound decisions and confidently navigating life’s challenges. This commitment transcends mere reading or listening; it calls for us to meditate on and actively apply these truths in our daily lives. As we cultivate a heart receptive to His wisdom, we become increasingly attuned to His guidance and fully equipped to fulfill His purposes for us.

Beloved, make a commitment to seek wisdom with an open heart, allowing it to shape your thoughts, actions, and attitudes. Make up your mind to go deeper with God because the deeper you get to God, the more wisdom you acquire and the more outstanding your life becomes. It is Godly wisdom that will distinguish and make you succeed without compromise. Wisdom from above puts you above all life situations and circumstances. It makes you stand out far above all your peers. When you begin to operate and live your life by the wisdom of God, no devil can stop you from being in command because God will always back you up. Yield to the Word of God to mold your character and give you a new mindset. Let the Word correct you and trim away the flesh and the lusts that lead you astray. Start seeking the wisdom of God, for God is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Pray to Him and ask for it, for God has reserved wisdom for you that will enable you to resolve seemingly complex situations.

O Lord, let Your divine wisdom guide me in every aspect of my life in Jesus’ Name.
