Instant Obedience

Genesis 22:2-3(KJV)

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him.

In our walk with God, total obedience is the key to success. From our anchored Scripture, the Bible tells of Abraham’s instant obedience. When the word of the Lord came to Abraham to take with him his only son, Isaac, whom he loved so much, and go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which God will point out to him Abraham’s response was “Yes, Lord!”, and off he left early in the morning to offer his son as a sacrifice. He did not ask any questions; he just obeyed and moved. Abraham’s response is remarkable. Without hesitation or doubt, he obeyed and immediately acted, setting out with Isaac and two servants. His unwavering obedience led to the miraculous events on Mount Moriah. 

Obedience to the word of God is vital to the foundation of our faith. It requires sincerity, genuineness, and love. Genuine obedience comes from a heart of love. In life’s journey, our steadfast faith demonstrates that adherence to divine commands, even amid unprecedented challenges, results in blessings. While God’s provision may not be readily apparent or instantaneous, it is assured. Trusting in Him leads to unforeseen manifestations of His provision. Obedience is the foundation for the Blessing and a key to abundance. It covers where we are now and where we are meant to be. However, some individuals may experience cognitive dissonance when they perceive a divine message. They may attribute a calling to the Voice of God as a temptation from an opposing devil, leading them to reject the message. When presented with divine instructions, some individuals may delay their response by seeking time for contemplation or consulting with others. The Lord seeks proactive and immediate acceptance of divine instructions, as it allows for the manifestation of miraculous occurrences. The Bible in Genesis 6:22 says, “Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.” Noah was an obedient instrument in the Hands of the Most High God, and God cherished him. The enduring character in a truly saved person is continual and total obedience to the commandments of God. Claiming the Blood of Jesus redeems us, but still choosing what is convenient in His Word to obey or not makes our profession not real.

Beloved, obey God’s instructions or commands completely, and you can be confident that all will be well with you. Obedience is the foundation for the Blessing and a key to abundance. As you are privileged to have the whole counsel of God, you should be more committed to obeying every word to inherit the Promise of God. To get a miracle, God has His part to play, so do your part by obeying Him. No matter how insignificant God’s instructions may seem, obeying them will make your spiritual house stand. The only way to get to the top is by total obedience to every instruction of the Lord. As long as you remain obedient to God’s instructions, no devil can stop your journey to the top. No force in hell can resist your advancement if you fulfill all God’s demands. Obey God promptly, and you will go very far with Him. It will sustain His relationship with you even for generations after you depart. Remember, only complete obedience to Divine instructions is rewarded.

O Lord, give me grace for instant obedience as You help me to obey Your Voice to access Your direction for my life in Jesus’ Name.
