Is The Lord’s Hand Too Short

Numbers 11:23(KJV)

And the Lord said unto Moses, Is the Lord’s hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not.

The Israelites complained about eating manna daily and wanted to return to Egypt to eat other foods. Moses asked God for a solution, and God promised to provide meat for them in the morning, even in the desert. Moses was skeptical, but God reminded him that nothing is impossible for Him. The unlimited power of the Almighty is always at work in any given situation to make all things go according to His original plan and purpose. It is written in Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” The Almightiness of God is often understood to mean that with God, all things are possible, and nothing is beyond His reach. Through countless demonstrations of His power, God has proven this to be accurate time and time again. He is more than capable of granting us the joy and fulfillment that our hearts desire. There is no task too great for Him to accomplish, as He can work according to His will, His word, and His good intentions for our lives. Indeed, there is no limit to what God can achieve, for His hand is never too short.

It is confirmed that the Word of God shall always come to pass in the life of His children; with Him, impossibilities cannot exist. The Almighty God can use our case to demonstrate to the world that there is no situation, no matter how awful, that He cannot reverse. We read from John 11:1-45 that Lazarus was dead and buried; his grave had started to stink, yet the Lord moved into the hopeless situation and reversed the irreversible. The Scripture (Numbers 11:23) is the answer to all our doubts. God left the answer to us because the question is not for Him to answer but for every one of us to give Him answers. Our God is the Almighty, Faithful, Awesome, Loving, and Covenant God. He is the source of joy and terror to our enemies. God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There is no limit to what God can do in our lives. In Genesis 18:14, God asked Sarah, “Is any thing too hard for the LORD?” The Lord proved Himself strong by fulfilling His Word in the lives of Abraham and Sarah. God made the impossible possible when He made the Israelites go through the sea on dry ground. And it was so! Isaiah 14:24 says, “The LORD of hosts has sworn saying, “Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand,” God wants us to know Him, trust Him, believe Him, follow Him and love Him. We must possess unwavering faith and see God’s greatness instead of the world’s impossibilities. The Lord will override every negative report concerning you in Jesus’ Name.

Beloved, God is more than able, incalculably more than able to do beyond what we could even ask or imagine. The Arm of God is not too short to deliver you, provide for you, vindicate, or promote you. You will see God take you where you couldn’t go alone. He who made all things is waiting for you to fill you to overflowing. God wants to fill you up with His Presence and unconditional love. God will provide what you need at precisely the right time. He alone can provide for you and sustain you so that you can confidently say from your heart that the Lord’s hand is certainly not shortened. Jehovah Jireh provided for the Israelites in the desert, He has provided for Peaceloving, and He is and will always be enough for your needs. Trust in His good provision, and He will sustain you. From today, decide that there will be no limitations or impossibilities with you no matter what the enemy throws at you, and you will see God move on your behalf in a dimension you have never seen before. You can do everything through Christ; praying is part of that ability. You must pray until something shifts in the realm of the spirit. God has gone ahead of you to make crooked paths straight. So, decide to stand in there until the miracle you desire manifests. Don’t give up!!! Remember, with God, all things are possible.

O Lord, grant me grace in every area of my life and let every promise concerning my life come to pass in Jesus’ Name.
