Jesus Christ Lives

John 14:19(ESV) 

Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 

Jesus Christ assures us that because He lives, we also will live. We understand that the key to death is not in the hand of the devil. That means he has no right to determine our lifespan. From the Scriptures, we also understand that the wages of sin is death. And the gift of God for all those who believe in Jesus Christ is eternal life. Jesus, the Author of life, offers all who believe in Him the hope of living because He lives. We have the assurance that Jesus Christ, Who is Our Redeemer, is Alive, and because He is alive, we shall also live, and our faith is not in vain. He is making us understand that as long as He is alive, as long as death cannot hold Him bound, and as long as the grave cannot pin Him down, we will continue to enjoy His life. Apostle Paul’s testimony in 1 Corinthians 15:54-57 also assures us that Jesus has conquered death for us. The death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary and His resurrection marked the end of our defeat. Through Jesus’ death, we were supernaturally changed from defeat to victory, captivity to freedom, and filthiness to holiness. 

Jesus Christ delivered us from death that makes us free from the fear of death; that is what the resurrection power does. No wonder He said in John 10:10, “…that I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance.” He is alive, and death is defeated. So, don’t be afraid. We shall also live. However, some have given up their faith, no longer excited about their confession of faith in Jesus Christ. Some have fainted in their spirit, and their level of commitment has waned. Hebrew 10:38-39 says, “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.” Know that the upright shall live by faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. As believers, we need to have faith in Jesus, the Redeemer of humanity. He lives always, and no situation is beyond Him. Every delay we have experienced is to make our testimonies more glorious. Job 19:25 says, “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last.” Job looked around and saw no one standing with him except his God. He confidently proclaimed that his Redeemer lives and that He will stand on the earth. Job built his faith over many years of devotion to God. Likewise, as we have faith in God, we can confidently say our Redeemer lives in all circumstances. When we are at our lowest point and feel like the whole world has turned its backs on us, our Lord is there to help. 

Beloved, I don’t know what your challenge is, but one thing I know is that your Redeemer lives. And because He lives, you can face what tomorrow brings; He is by your side watching over you, guiding and delivering you from all your difficulties. Because your Redeemer lives, that problem will not overcome you. Because your Redeemer lives, that sickness will come to an end. Maybe you have tried all you can, yet there remains a Goliath in your life. Know that He is always with you in all your circumstances and because He lives, you shall also live! Make sure all your challenges hear the call of faith from you, “because He lives, I can face tomorrow and all fear is gone; my tomorrow shall be the best whether the devil likes it or not.” It shall be so in Jesus’ Name. Because He lives, you will also live! Never be discouraged in your walk of faith with God. Remember, Christianity as a system of truth collapses if the resurrection of Jesus is rejected. 

O LORD, thank You for Your Word. Because You live, I shall also live and not die in Jesus’ Name.
