Keep Your Tongue

Proverbs 21:23 (KJV)

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue Keepeth his soul from troubles.

From the Scriptures, we discover that the tongue is one of the most potent parts of our body that has the ability to determine our destiny. It is essential to keep our mouths closed because every word we speak will locate the equivalent spirit. For example, when we speak of death, we move the spirit of death into action, and when we speak of life, we move the quickening Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of life, into action. Our words are seeds, which bring forth fruits after their kind. As children of God, we must speak the right words or close our mouths when we do not have any meaningful words to say. Though a little body member, the tongue can bring good or evil in man’s life, depending on the usage. It is written in Proverbs 18:21: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Our words can kill and bring to life as well. This is why we must be very careful how we use it. We are to live by faith, always confessing God’s promises so that we can have whatever we say.

As we communicate, we must be mindful of the seeds we plant with our words. It is vital to be aware of our speech’s impact on others. The truth is that the tongue possesses tremendous power. While angry, say nothing because it is better for us to regret what we did not say than to regret what we said because words spoken cannot be recalled. Wounds from stones and sticks do heal, but negative words wound the soul. Instead of destroying lives through thoughtless words, we can bless others. We can comfort and not curse. We can use this “comely part” to benefit others. Why use our tongues recklessly and risk God’s anger? Do our words contain profanity or express anger and hostility, making those around us feel distressed? Are we communicating unkindly with our loved ones, causing them to experience ongoing sorrow? Matthew 12:36 makes us understand that every idle word men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Let us always bless God and His creatures with our tongue; therein are our blessings. Those who have mastery over the tongue tame the monster. Many are reaping today what was said yesterday and blaming others, saying all manner of things, forgetting tomorrow’s harvest is being determined by what was said yesterday or what we are saying today. Many have ruined their great future by talking to the wrong people or publicizing their secrets. Had Samson kept his mouth shut, the source of his strength would not have been known, and he would not have been destroyed and ridiculed by the Philistines. All the devil’s efforts were futile until Samson’s tongue gave him away.

Beloved, whatever is not your intention, destination or expectation must never be your utterance or confession. If you want to escape the trap of death, destruction, and disease, avoid the seed of negative words. If you want life and desire to see good days, you must refrain your lips from speaking evil and your mouth from speaking perversion. Don’t go about announcing your sickness, poverty, loneliness, weakness, joblessness, and other satanic afflictions. If you have to speak, start declaring good health, success, riches, joy, strength, peace, love, and other blessings from our God. Never run your life down or join anybody in running it down in your presence or absence with negative words. Ask God for wisdom to know what to say and what not to say, and He will grant you your request. Be careful what information you divulge to your enemies. Remember not to say anything when you are angry because many have used their mouth to kill themselves and others by saying so many unnecessary words.

O Lord, help me to refrain from abusing the tongue You gave me, and let me always use it to bless Your people in Jesus’ Name.
