Lay Down Your Life

John 15:13(NLT)

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 

Love is the central theme of the Christian faith and is a primary characteristic of God’s nature. That is at the root of everything God does is love. No matter how difficult it may appear to us, the fountain from which all God’s activity originates is this kind of self-giving love. John 3:16 says, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  Our Lord Jesus Christ is a perfect example of a life of impact. Jesus Christ showed what exemplary love is by His death on the cross for us. His death on the cross became the ultimate expression of the heart of the King, who lived up to His own words when He laid down His life for us. Just before our anchored verse, Jesus commands His disciples to love each other. Therefore, to love is not an option. It’s a commandment straight from our Savior, Jesus Christ. He has loved us, so we are to love one another. As beneficiaries of this great love, we are obliged to show love to our Maker and neighbors.

The Bible is full of great verses and passages about the topic of love. King Solomon says love burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame, and many waters cannot quench or sweep it away. Love is the most wondrous thing in the world because of its warmth and its all-embracing inclusiveness that takes in all kinds and conditions. Romans 15:1-3 says, “We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves. We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord. For even Christ didn’t live to please himself……….” We cannot express our love for anyone in a glorious way other than being willing to die for them. By this act of dying, we are sacrificing everything we have for another’s sake. When we lay down our lives, we live to please God instead of ourselves. We are to have the same love for each other as Jesus has for us. It is the type of love willing to give everything, including our own lives. Now we are invited into the family of God to love and be loved. And as we pour into others Christ’s unimaginable love, the world will catch a glimpse of Him. In other words, if we sincerely love one another, we will give the very best of ourselves, just as Jesus did for us.

Beloved, live with a commitment to abide in love, for when you live in love, you dwell in God and God in you. Living in love is your guarantee of a life of greatness, dominion, excellence, health, and ceaseless victories. Today, choose to follow Christ’s example by putting others first because love is all that matters in eternity. When you genuinely love, making sacrifices will be of pleasure and not a burden. No price is too much to pay for the one you love. So, move beyond the hurt and be willing to give yourself away as you lay down your life for others. Instead of grasping for your wants and needs, you esteem the needs and well-being of others. Let go of having your own way and decide to live a life that will positively impact society. Remember to impact your world by giving out love and laying down your life for one another.

O LORD, help me not to waste my life but to use it for the benefit of humanity. Help me follow Your example and lay down my life for others in Jesus’ Name.
